Sarah Palin fires back at Sasha Baron Cohen for his Showtime Prank

So the person he got money from didn’t believe he was a wounded vet.


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After she endorsed trump, she dropped off the map completely.

Not once Lou. You are living in your past.

Which makes them complicit.

In what exactly?

I’m glad you agree that comparing Palin to a patriot is absurd. There’s hope for you yet.

The deception.

That isn’t the comparison that you made.

It’s the comparison YOU made. Thanks for agreeing that comparing Palin to a patriot is absurd.

Sarah probably should have passed on the offer and, having accepted it, not made a big deal out of it afterward.

She, Baron Cohen, and the nation would all be better off letting her melt back into the inky recesses of history to mediate drunken, pistol-fueled fights between her son and husband in continuing and increasing obscurity.

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I made no such comparison either. You are either just making stuff up as you go along, or you simply cannot comprehend simple English.

That’s the problem … he got her (and his other victims) to agree to the “interview” under false pretenses. Had he been forthcoming about his intentions, none of them would have accepted his requests.

That’s not the problem. That’s the comedy. Yes, they are victims. Yes, it can be very funny, and uncomfortable.

If he’s forthcoming about his intentions, there is no comedy.

Finding humor in other people’s discomfort because they have been deceived is sick. It’s like tripping someone then laughing at them because they fell into mud.

It’s not sick. It’s a type of performance art. Cohen does it well. It’s clearly not for Fox, who seem fascinated with the guy lately, and it’s clearly not for you. I don’t think he minds. You’re not his target audience.

But he cracks me up.

Yeah. That must be why his share of the time slot audience is so huge. :roll_eyes:

And it is sick. Finding humor in people being tricked (read: “lied to”) into embarrassing situations is sick. Calling it “performance art” is nothing more than a rationalization.

I don’t think anyone cares if you think that his performance art, because that’s what it is, is sick, but you can feel free to repeat it a few more dozen times if you like. We’re sort of expecting it.

People typically subscribe to Netflix, HBO, and YouTube Plus.

Not Cinemax, if it still exists. And not Showtime.

Nope, you said it. Thanks for agreeing Palin is not anything like a patriot.

I know you think you are being clever … but everyone can see that you’re not.

How many more times are you going to repeat it?