Sarah Huckabee Sanders, admitted liar

Well into his second term?

OK by me.

We are busy sending asylum seekers to sanctuary zones…So’s they are safe and stuff like that.


The dear critics may have a point.

I recall news reports that stated sending asylum seekers to sanctuary zones was illegal.

I am still looking for that law.

THAT could well be a big fat LIE.


Trump played them perfectly on that one. “Don’t send them here”… LMAO!

I saw a guy from the heritage foundation on Fox saying it was not illegal. And I think Obama doing the same thing in reverse…

So we shouldn’t counter lies?

How could it possibly be illegal?

This has never been an issue or situation before.

The critics switch from illegal to “not funded” to cover their lie with a thin film.


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This wouldn’t be an issue if they were actually following the Constitution. All Federal Laws are supposed to be tied to Article 1, Section 8. That’s the problem. We have so many of them now, not even the lawmakers can keep track of all of them.

Go ahead and try. Donald Trump has shown us that refuting lies is more tiring than telling them.

Keep focusing on Trump. At least you won’t be destroying what’s left of our country.

Exactly, the executive branch has to decide to put these fleeing cowards somewhere. So, where to put them is up to the Trump admin, period. So, Why not sanc cities… !

“What’s left of our country?” I think the US is one of (if no the) best country in the world to live in. Not sure why anyone would think it is such a bad place to live.

So what? You think Obama’s didn’t lie?

And not a single Trump.

All politicians lie.
Comparing Obama to Trump is like comparing a middle school basket baller to Labron James ( i know… "if you like your doctor)

I’m sure this will destroy the credibility that Sarah Huckabee Sanders never had.


Man, you’re really triggered! Calm down. “Bootlickers!!!” Get a grip.

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We’re not talking about collusion. We’re talking about obstruction. It doesn’t matter what the ultimate findings were about collusion, they have no bearing on the acts that Trump committed.

It’s cute you think this is new or one-sided. Who did she lie to?

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Well of course they don’t. You couldn’t prove COLLUSION, so it’s on to the next angle. Transparent. :roll_eyes:

I was actually thinking more about Mexican gun running

The press should boycott her.