Sarah Huckabee Sanders, admitted liar

Read??? LOL!
They don’t read. They get their marching orders from Foxnews, talk radio, “he who must not be named” and any other echo chamber that lines up with their ideology, that’s all they need. Read??? Yeah ok. :smile: :sweat_smile: :rofl:

Like anyone is reading this?!?!?!



They can’t handle it. I call it the 5th Ave syndrome.
They’re ■■■■■■ -fat donald

You should, it really is a good read.

Help WE are so melting…It just isn’t FAIR…Mueller was supposed to save our rhetorical malfeasance.


Thanks for making my point.

Oh never mind.

Fith Avenue syndrome on the full display, it would be funny if it wasn’t so sad

I am still working on my NYT from 2016.

You are very pushy toward others.

Just give your POV and move along…Unless you can’t.


You got him THIS time…How many times did we see this?


She lied and I provided the proof straight from the Mueller report. If you don’t accept that, it ain’t my problem.

Which part of “Sanders acknowledge to investigator’s that her comments were not founded on anything” do you not grasp?

If you dont care getting lied to because “lib tears”
cool I get that, but say that.

A paltry return on the investment of a seasoned Mueller job…IF it were genuinely true, which it is NOT.


Again, I don’t know what to tell you. It ain’t my problem if you don’t believe what Sanders told Mueller.

What I don’t get is that everybody knew Sanders lied months ago. Yesterday we got a report that shows what we already knew. Sanders is a big liar. Stop the presses. Nobody cares. The President lies every single day. Old news. Not technically illegal. Republicans simple do not care if they’re being lied to, therefore Democrats are beating a dead horse by harping on this “issue.” If lying was a major issue Donald Trump would not be enjoying the high approval ratings he has.


How do you know Sarah wasn’t lying about lying?

Hurrr… lib tears!

That’s all they can manage right now.

“Nobody cares.”

“Not technically illegal.”

Trumpism in a nutshell.

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Eleventy dimensional stable genius-ery!

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