Sandy Cortez to Justice Breyer: “Retire”!

How has Breyer affected your life?

None of your business.

Supreme Court makes decisions that affect us all. That anyone disagrees with this concept is completely baffling to me. It’s like asking if the executive or the legislative branch affects our lives. It’s the federal government, of course it does.

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Perfectly reasonable for AOC to call for this. gop were very cunning in getting kennedy to “retire”.

Breyer needs to know what’s at stake. He saw what happen to RBG.

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He hasn’t. He’s a prog, they’ll replace him with a prog.

How has Barrett affected your life one iota?

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You feel Breyer needs AOC to let him know what’s up?

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No. but a little public pressure might speed things up… :grin:

He’ll only be replaced with a progressive if there’s a Democrat in the WH and the Senate leadership isn’t engaging in shenanigans.

Again, none of your business, but also irrelevant. Even if she’s made no decisions so far that personally affect me it is quite possible she could make decisions in the future that might affect me.

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Yeah I mean its not like SC appointment is a lifetime appointment right? :man_shrugging:

What a dumb question…

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Lovin’ this, “The SCOTUS doesn’t affect anyone’s lives.” hot take.


The make up of the SC is everybody’s lane. Mine, yours, and AOC’s.


Then why when people justify voting for Trump they always say “Judges”.

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Lol. Aww someone is jealous!


Better question is how has the Constitution impacted his life :woman_shrugging:

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They know that. The intent is to replace him with a much younger prog who would be more likely to be there much longer.

Because Republicans usually appoint judges and Democrats usually appoint ideologues.


What’s the difference between a “judge” and an “ideologue”?

Aside from your feelings, of course.

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Ideologue… an adherent of an ideology, especially one who is uncompromising and dogmatic. Clarence Thomas comes to mind …

The irony being that if you aren’t an ideologue you’re a RINO.


Well you know, the “ephors” have evolved since the last one was ramrodded in right before Trump left office. Or something.