Right. The economy. People are not worrying about what their 401k looks like if they’re not retiring for 15 years. They can’t afford a house. Food is outta control and they are going farther in debt everyday because of dipshiddery. That’s why most of the country thinks things suck. Get it yet?
You have blood and soil issues. Anyone who has complicated beliefs on that is someone I would never want around family members. That sounds roungh but it’s true.
Trump supporters don’t want the market to go up; they don’t want the market to go down; they don’t want the market to stay the same. They just want a Trump-market.
Gold, generally seen as a stock alternative
has been running parallel to the S&P for over 14 months
has matched the S&P since 2008 (a near highpoint in stocks).
That’s not really a sign of the economy.
(Gold doesn’t make anything, trade anything, do anything.)
but rather people are taking money out of that pallet of money the Fed printed and putting it into anything and everything.