Russian Interference in 2020 Elections


They kept Manafort locked up 23 hours a day for months. Banana republic political prisoner.

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Oh… I guess I should have seen this first.

“We don’t care”.

That is a phenomenon called Transactional Trumpism.

Putting up with criminality because one thinks they will get the political outcome that they want.

It won’t end well.


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It’s very relevant. Since there’s no particular crime labeled “collusion” you can show evidence of what you consider to be collusion and the apologist response will be “that’s not a crime.”

How do I FEEL?

Really. I don’t have any emotion for rumor and innuendo.

I want to secure the border and clean up the immigration laws so we can welcome immigrants who follow the rules.


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I don’t have any real sympathy for him.

Those conditions ARE obviously excessive.

He was supposed to rat out Trump…He talked and talked and had NOTHING.


Rumor and innuendo does not equal criminality.

Mueller rained on your crime parade.

Would you like an umbrella?


Anyone interview Putin for his pick for the D nomination yet?

Rumor has it he won’t be on the Trump train next time.


It isn’t rumor or innuendo that the President signed a letter of intent to build a tower in Moscow using financing from a bank sanctioned by the US and repeatedly lie about his business dealings during the campaign. It is documented fact.

If you don’t care about it, then go ahead… don’t care about it.

Don’t expect any further outrage about what any political opponents to be taken seriously though.

Transactional Trumpism is going to hurt the GOP in the long term.

That is the epitome of a false narrative.

Trumpophobes have spent their outrage savings and have borrowed the outrage bank to insolvency.

You have made Trump a hero of the people.


False narrative?

Are you saying that the President wasn’t pursuing a tower in Moscow while running for President?

There isn’t enough of a market for a Trump property in Russia and it certainly is a false narrative.


Here is a link to the letter of intent, signed by then candidate Donald J Trump to build a tower in Moscow.

Is that a false narrative?

This was not a letter to build. It was an exploratory branding agreement that fell through. Nothing happened, no money was exchanged.

No market, no project. Nothing.

To me it was wishful thinking from some Moscow developers that Trump strung along to see if anything changed since the 2005 project fell flat. It reinforces the fact that even the Trump brand could not make the investment work.

If there was anything Mueller would have grabbed it and run with it, but he did not, even with all of Cohen’s paper trail at his disposal.

Sorry to say you are screaming at the sky with this.


Be sure not to get all dIzzy with that spin.

If there was nothing to it, there would be no reason to lie about it.