Russian bots are everywhere!

:rofl: No he wasn’t. He was a piece of garbage.

As I asked the dems and leftist many times back then… Show me a post from a Russian that you think changed the election and made Trump win! They could not produce one. Yet still believed it was true. That’s called being fooled…

You can fool some of the people all the time. We call those people democrats…


Good news as another disinformation campaign falters!

Your dirty dungaree disco problem is all your own fault, not theirs.


Their current website linked below. Notice they provide a caveat that it is unfair to label everyone in their lists as purveyors of state propaganda…they just imply it.



Yes, the problem is not just Hamilton 68. It is also with how people in the media use it.

The same was true with the infamous laptop letter. “Disinformation” does not appear in the letter, and it included this disclaimer:

We want to emphasize that we do not know if the emails, provided to the New York Post by President Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani, are genuine or not and that we do not have evidence of Russian involvement – just that our experience makes us deeply suspicious . . .
Hunter Biden story is Russian disinfo, dozens of former intel officials say - POLITICO

A truthful headline would have been along these lines:

Former intel officials voice suspicions about Biden laptop


Former intel officials find no evidence of Russian involvement in Biden laptop story

But instead Politico went with this headline:

Hunter Biden story is Russian disinfo, dozens of former intel officials say

The mainstream media have been willing partners in amplifying lies and misinformation to support the official narratives.

It looks like the US State Department is promoting a similar campaign with the “Global Disinformation Index”.

The name is ironically accurate since its purpose appears to be to promote and protect disinformation. Sites that have pushed the Russia collusion hoax and the Biden-laptop-is-Russian-disinformation hoax are rated “least risky”. Meanwhile conservative news sources who have not spewed the false narratives are smeared as “riskiest”.

Your tax dollars are at work to censor critics of the government. What ever happened to the constitution?


“Our government eagerly lies to us” is a realization that throws a lot into doubt.

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So does the Russian government, but it seems that some here chose to believe them … :neutral_face:

Believe no one, really. Trust none of them. Not even if you think you can verify.

Also that post really had only to do with our own government spouting endless lies.

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Yes, I have become far more skeptical over the years.

I gave Bush and Powell the benefit of the doubt when they pushed the idea of WMDs. They must have access to classified information that justifies a war, I rationalized. How can I judge?

At this point it is clear that the government has repeatedly lied in order to justify overseas wars. The same people used false claims about “Russian disinformation” to slander Trump and his supporters.

The government has become more brazen with its lies as it has turned the vast majority of the media into its lapdogs. The same thing is happening in Europe as well. We are approaching Soviet levels of deception.

What is next? Blaming crop failures on kulaks?

With WMDs the belief they were there in quantity was one that preceded W by years. Saddam played up having them for creds on the so-called Islamic Street. There had been a general failure of intelligence agencies in numerable countries.

Democrats believed the claims because they largely came out of Bubba’s tenure.

That isn’t saying our government didn’t lie to us back then, not at all, but only that having their heads shoved up their cans seems to have been commonplace AND the Democrats later pretending that they had been lied to for rhetorical advantage was simply what we should expect of them.

By government, I include the intel agencies. In retrospect, they grossly overstated the WMD threat in Iraq.

The never-Trump neocons have abandoned the Republican Party and are now running the Democratic Party. At the same time, Democrats have embraced censorship of political opponents and been treating propaganda from former intel officials as if it comes on stone tables from a mountaintop.

A logical endpoint is an Orwellian police state. Democrats who are now cheer silencing of Trump supporters will face the same oppression. The true-believer Bolsheviks were among the first to end up in the gulags.

Bingo! :+1: