Roger Stone arrested

I haven’t had a chance to read up in depth on it, but I understand the prosecution did not recommend that he be remanded to custody. That surprised me.

Definitely a two-tier system. I have a hard time imagining other defendants getting away with what he just got away with and still being free.

Makes me wonder if the prosecution has an interest in Stone remaining free for some reason. Letting Manafort roam the countryside for a while just earned Manafort some extra charges.

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The very rich people at Fox news and on talkradio make sure that it stays that way.

Can’t have their low-rent audience realizing that Trump et al are actually NOT on their side.

Yup. That also explains Tucker Carlson’s blowup on his show that never got aired. There’s nothing rich entitled gasbags spinning a yarn to the hoi polloi hate more than someone pointing out the obvious, that they’re rich, entitled gasbags spinning a yarn to the hoi polloi.


I haven’t read the ruling. Been traveling. Just caught snippets about him being restricted from any public discussion. Including social media. That tells me he can have others fundraiser on his behalf but he is out of the grifting game personally until after the trial concludes and he is sent to prison for the rest of his natural born life.


What a classy statement.


10 Moochelles


I suppose the model of classy are Trump tweets.

When a Trump supporter calls someone out for a cheap shot? Classic irony.

its called acting presidential…

isnt that something we should all aspire to?

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How did Stone not get locked up?

Prosecutors didn’t pursue it. Kind of like with Manafort initially. I’m suspecting they are giving him a shovel. Let him dig his own grave, and perhaps he will accidentally uncover a few skeletons on his way down.

Judge Jackson ain’t playing… He has till Monday to come up with another good answer…


I hope he spends his time in jail awaiting trial contemplating what an idiot he is (and getting used to his new surroundings.)

I just wrote it out like o_O.

Unbelievable, these criminals just can quit it. One week, that’s all it took. :blush:

Roger needs prison ASAP.

Roger Stone is going to fail at his goal to get his Judge tossed.

Remember Roger Stone is the face, morals, and life blood of the GOP since Nixon. He is not a weird anomaly, he is business as usual.


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Have you got a link?

…or is this your personal opinion?