Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Announces Switching to Independent Candidate

For me it was Hugs, Not Drugs :sweat_smile:

And while I agree for illegal substances, vaccines are different in that these have gone through clinical trials and are deemed safe and effective in decreasing the symptom severity of COVID-19.

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I let a doctor “invade” and “molest” my bones for my hip surgeries. Yet it allowed me to walk normally.

Sometimes we need medical intervention.

And nope.

I do prefer that vaccines have little to no preservatives, but other than that I’ll always get my vaccine.

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Sometimes I think anti-vaxxers are just kids who hated vaccines because of being afraid of getting pricked by a needle and need to make an excuse for themselves. :wink:

Wise observance :+1::+1::+1:

It’s definitely not fun but worth it in the long view.


High fives for obedience though. At least everyone knows their place. :rofl:


If this had happened I would have seriously considered voting for RFK Jr.

I do think the draw of playing QB in NFL was too strong to resist.

Lol that is hilarious.

I bet Aaron is lying.

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Pretty standard manipulator cabal response.

No reason at all for him to do so.




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Why is he a nutbar?

Its hilarious that some people think the same gov agencies and pharma companies that approved and pushed oxycontin, an opioid that was known to have higher mu affinty thn heroin as safe an non addictive for decades are somehow trust worthy when it comes to their biggest cash cow vaccines.

Bet you were one of the people going around calling ivermectin, horse paste as well :rofl:


These are the people who knowingly lied about oxycontin when anyone with any pharmacological knew it was going to be as addictive as morphine or heroin then pushed it on everyone with a sore ankle to make some money and lied about ivermectin to avoid losing emergency use autherization.

But some gullible marks think there is no way they would lie about vaccines or any other drugs.

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Hotez was running around calling ivermectin horse dewormer, he has no credibility left except to pharma shills.

Also just look at him, its clear he cant climb up a flight of stairs without passing out, anyone who trusts medical advice from someone who cant take care of their own body is a fool.

Your boy just said a few days ago that he had a mind slayer tadpole in his brain, and that eating his brain killed it.

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Welcome back. :rofl:

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Your boy just said a few days ago that he had a mind slayer tadpole in his brain, and that eating his brain killed it.


No clue what you are talking about.
But rfk is objectively the most successful environmental lawyer in the US and has by now been on over a hundred of 2-3+ hour podcasts with pretty much anyone who asks.

He clearly has a higher intellect thn biden or trump.

Lost opportunity, Kennedy could have picked Kristy Noem for his VP partner.

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Drop out and endorse the GOP candidates, you say? It’s almost like this was a bad-faith campaign.

RFK’s running mate is Qanon-curious, if not full blown Q.