RNC sends fake census mailings

When you think about it, it’s not much different than much of the internet and social media, collecting personal data under the guise of something else. I recognized it for what it was immediately. Collecting my data to use to target me for donations. Oh, he doesn’t like X, send him the mailer meant to trigger that group to donate. And both parties do it all the time, what do you think the questions campaigns ask you about on the phone are for? Not to try and serve the constituency, but to milk it.

Fraud perhaps? Oh yeah, your a modern Republican so fraud is the standard way to run businesses when you can’t make money any other way.

Amazing how much has to be excused these days!

Please, democrats lecturing me on fraud hilarious. And I didn’t excuse it, I said it was underhanded and merely pointed out it was likely legal.


Embarrassing when someone actually calls things what they are, isn’t it?

Trump University anyone?

Trump Foundation vs. the Clinton Foundation… which one was top rated by charity evaluators and which one was shut down by the courts?

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Free speech is fine…just like we are allowed to use our free speech to say the RNC is full of scum bags.

Weak attempt zan…weak

Still scummy…regardless of the group using it …

Pretty sure I already said that. Underhanded or 'scummy" if you prefer but legal and protected under free speech.

Must. Defend. Party. At. All. Costs.

I think you mean must stick to the facts.

Its really not likely that many people will read that the purpose of this document is to get Trump elected and yet it is the real census.
If you think this sort of advertising should not be used (it is common enough for all sorts of mailing ads to look “official”), fine. It can be annoying. To say it is to scam people and that it could confuse people into thinking it is an official document…nope. Nobody believes the purpose of the census is to re elect Trump. At least I hope not.
Once again protesting far beyond the actual deed…kind of like the recent impeachment.

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While it’s not illegal, the U.S. Census Bureau can’t stop the RNC from sending out the mailers, Dean noted. The bureau does “not own the word census. Anyone can take a census — it just means they are taking a poll,” she wrote.

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The RNC is just doing what it thinks it needs to do in order to win. I know that republicans winning makes libs super mad, but this is the game we play. If libs don’t like the rules then maybe they should just quit. As long as what the RNC is doing is technically legal then there is no reason to stop, especially if it’s making libs heads explode.

They dont pretend to be collecting census data.

I linked to photos of the letter in the op. What other photos would you like?

Let me know when they laugh and hang up.

Charity evaluators are part of the deep state


How easy it is to forget that the only truths these days are those that praise Trump and reassure his cult followers.


Six paragraphs into the article starts with “its not illegal” and ends with “its just a poll” so how dumb are these articles? MSM is not only fake news, they’ve now branched out into stupid news!

Friends don’t hang up on each other, that would be rude.

It says a lot about the Republican Party when its motto seems to have become, “not technically illegal”.