I know. Many indigenous native Americans turned to violence when Europeans started immigrating to the Americas. Now look how, in the long run, we can see that their fears for their own culture was ill founded. They are so much better off today.
If we want to go back to the earliest conflicts between the setllers and the natives you can look at conflicts like King Philip’s War in New England or Kieft’s War in Dutch controlled New Amsterdam… the settlers 100% were the aggressors in those conflicts.
But of course this is England that we are talking about and really their complaints of peoples who their ancestors conquered and are Royal subjects moving to the core of the former empire isn’t the most reasonable thing to complain about in my opinion.
It depends on whom the British want to move there that determines if it is reasonable or not. After all, eventually India kicked the English out. The don’t get a right to colonize England.
Not being British, I really don’t have an interest in all of this. They can determine what sort of society they want. They must do it now rather than later.
India didn’t really kick the British out though. The INC and other groups convinced influential British figures to come up with a plan for independence. And it went all kinds of sideways because millions of Hindus and Muslims had to be transferred to a from certain provinces in both India and Pakistan.
I think I read it was somewhere like 3 million excess deaths during partition. Mostly from people being force marched hundreds of miles to get to get to their new assigned provinces.
The scars it left still affect India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh to this day. And its aftereffects led directly to the Bangladeshi War for Independence against Pakistan 25 years later. And that killed a ■■■■ ton of people.
Simple truth is they lost and we won. That’s how things usually go. There’s a reason no one in the Middle East is speaking Aramaic anymore despite being a wide spread language in the time of Christ. It was partially replaced by Greek and Latin as the Romans moved in and then the Arabs beat the ■■■■ out of everyone in that part of world and Arabic replaced it fully.
And there’s a reason Latin America speaks pretty much nothing but Spanish today.
And thousands died of extreme violence during that transfer. In one case, an entire train load of migrants were burned to death. The hatred that was on display then persists to this day in the region.