Right now, Trump leads Harris by 1.7%. Best strategies going forward

District Atty, Attorney General, US Senator, VP. Work ethic is fine .

Other than he’s much much much much younger than the elderly toad at the top of the ticket.
Says the person who voted for the OLDEST toad in the SWAMP!

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But didn’t 81 million Americans vote for the OLDEST toad in the SWAMP?

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How? Objectively.

She’s definitely not ADOS.

Doesn’t excuse the double standard.

It’s not a double standard because males and females are different.

Irrelevant…they are both engaging in the same act.

No, it’s nature.

Agreed, for both genders.



Somebody hasn’t figured out the quote button yet?

No. How many bulls to a herd? Cows?

Objective she’s black. ADOS isn’t a race. “Black” is. She is that.

How is she “black”?

She has a black biological parent…

Are you new?

Weird…why would you bring animals into a discussion about human sexuality and the labels used to describe it. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Does she? Is that what it takes?
She has an Indian biological parent.
Her skin isn’t “black.”
What “black” features does she have?

I’m “black.”

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Humans are animals.

Do you realize monogamy is a social construct and not natural?

Again, are you brand new?

Cool. So what?

Neither is my Moms but both of her parents are Black.

What the ■■■■ does this mean?