Right now, Trump leads Harris by 1.7%. Best strategies going forward

Harris rally tonight in Atlanta.

We’re not going back!

She doesn’t project a meritorious work ethic.

Big byproduct of being raised in a university bubble.

I have seen this first hand.



It’s no secret that she ■■■■■■ Willie Brown to become AG CA.

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I’m much too old to feign innocence. I call ‘em as I see ‘em. If someone gets their fee fees hurt they’ll just have to reach down and grab a pair if they have ‘em. Call me out? Please, if it makes you feel better mmmkay.

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Or he was just trying to keep it PG. Which has always been appreciated here.

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Very impressive indeed. When was the last time Atlanta elected a Republican? Just curious.

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You should probably let the Trump campaign know. Trump has a rally in the same venue Saturday.

BTW…when was the last time Atlanta elected a democrat president?

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2008, 2012, 2020
How am I doing?
What I found interesting is that Atlanta and its majority black Democrat voting base couldn’t bring enough votes to elect Big Stacey Abrams.for Governor of Georgia. You remember that hotly contested election when Abrams hurled accusations of voter fraud and never conceded to Brian Kemp.
Abrams and her “New Georgia Project” partner Ralphie Warnock were investigated for illegally registering voters. Guess they should have registered more?



Only one of the examples actually had someone celebrating the assassination attempt. I described what was there. You continued your obsession with calling me a liar while ignoring the facts. A poor excuse for never engaging with the points I raise, but I assume that is all you have.

A week or so in and strategies are starting to emerge.

You can see a stark difference between Trump and Harris’ first released ads.

Harris’ is more upbeat, focuses on what the Democrats will do to create opportunity, cites the Democrats protecting the Affordable Care Act and her work in capping insulin prices for seniors.

Trump’s is more downbeat and threatening in tone and is largely an attack on Harris’ role at the border and on her being too liberal.

Of course, the Harris campaign has been on the attack with the “Trump and Vance are weird” meme that Tim Waitz originated getting a lot of play. R’s are trying to blunt that my saying Harris is calling Trump supporters “weird.” Not accurate but probably an effective counter.

Trump, meanwhile is struggling to find an effective nickname to pin on Harris – anything close to the impact of “weird.” He’s been recycling older insults which tends to reinforce the sense that an old man is running a campaign that is not fresh.

Trump’s struggle to find a line of attack is reinforced by having to defend two Harris lines of attack that have caught on.

One is that JD Vance was probably not a wise choice given that Harris has narrowed Trump’s lead. One wonder’s who vetted Vance’s closet of gaps or who thought someone who has changed positions so dramatically would be viewed as trustworthy. A lot of focus on Vance… almost all negative.

And then there is Project 2025, which Trump has had to flee from, culminating in today’s “shutting it down,” announcement. I don’t see that working. The 900 page blueprint for Trump’s next term is already complete and the database of 20,000 Trump loyalists who are poised to replace people in the government has not been shut down. I expect Trump and Vance will repeatedly be asked if they support or disown specific Project 2025 proposals and as long as they don’t disown the many proposals that poll very badly, Project 2025 will be a weak point for them, just as the border will be for Harris.

Right now: big questions for Harris:

  1. Whom to pick for VP
  2. How to keep current momentum rolling

Big questions for Trump

  1. Given that he is running a negative campaign so far, does he have an effective negative strategy.
  2. He is used to getting the lion’s share of the spotlight, but clearly has not done so in the past week. How does he get that back?
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That you think people are not celebrating he was shot and sad he was still breathing, tells me you are either lying purposely or are not educated enough to do a Google search.

I’m not spending my time tracing down every screenshot, video etc.for someone who can’t admit what every other person sees.


In other words, you got nuthin’. Just like Trump – running away from the debate but with enough breath to shout insults as you run.

And, btw, when you google “Trump assassination attempt celebrations” or anything similar you get one reference to one person celebrating and that’s it. As I was saying, “you got nuthin’”.

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I’m not your research monkey. If you can’t be bothered to educate yourself I’m sure as hell not spending my time doing it.

Lazy people trying to act smart. :joy: :joy:

No wonder all libs can do it repeat the narrative and talking points handed to them.

Even after I do the search and provider the facts that prove wrong this is the best you can do?

You provided nothing.

Heck, your dear new leader lied outright to y’all about Project 2025 and Vance, fact checked by CNN and outright said they will keep lying and telling the untruths because it sticks with their voters.

Yeah, the dumb supporters who will believe everything her campaign says even when proven to be a lie because they know y’all to dumb to do your own research. The above post pretty much proves that.


I provided the terms of the search and described the results. That was not “nothing”. I expect you’ll have another response but unless it contains anything of substance I am happy to have the last content free word.

Have a good night. I hope the world looks better to you in the morning.

World looks fine to me.

Just remember, we told you Kamala lied to you, was called out for lying by CNN and they chose to make a deliberate decision to continue to lie because they know her supporters/voters are dumb enough to fall for it.

Just like they believe, no one celebrated the Trump shooting and were mad he missed.

At least she is correct about them being dumb enough to believe their lies and narrative.


It just doesn’t ring the same coming from Donald fans.

Looky here a man was even arrested.

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