Right now, Trump leads Harris by 1.7%. Best strategies going forward

RCP has Trump up over Biden 1.9

The Hill has Trump up 2.7

And 538 shows Harris about the same disapproval rate…lower than Trump.

Bad news for Trump if numbers continue to decline.

I don’t think the overall average really matters. What counts is that Trump was leading Biden in every swing state. Harris will need to change that to have a chance. Her campaign should spend all their time and effort in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania.

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Public perception.

Perceptions can be changed.

All of America would sign up for this, especially if Trump walks on stage with a majestic lion by his side.

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True, but it’s gonna be hard to do on that issue. I think Dems can turn PA and WI around, maybe AZ. Will be super interesting to see what messaging they focus on .

I see you got the new leftist talking points.
You all are not going to get to pretend that biden did not put harris in charge of the border.
But here is a bbc article saying biden appointed harris border czar.
You all can try and say she was never called a border czar but all that does is make democrats look stupid and childish.


Now thats funny. Harris will laugh like a silly goose and make a fool out of herself. At least hillary was smart. Harris not so much. Harris did used the only thing she had when she slept her way into office.


She’s not going to do well in Pa. That’s energy state. And we all know she wanted to ban fracking.

Oh for the record…only 37 percent of democrats wanted Harris in first round of ranked polling.

All the stupid ■■■■ she has said the past 3+ years as VP is going to drag her. They will then bring in the past issues before her VP slot and they won’t have enough time to reframe here as the savior they need to maintain control.

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And 33 percent didn’t even ranked her or ranked last.

PA has a Democrat Governor who is wildly popular (and may become the VP) and both senators are Democrats.

PA has showed that they are not buying the crazy MAGA candidates - Doug Mastriano? Dr. Oz?

Harris has a very good chance in PA.

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Considering who they ran against?

Idiot banning all abortion even in rape for gov, and sleazy snake oil salesman for senate.

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Yeah that is the point.

Trump/Vance is a version of that.

This is why Trump is likely to win. The anti-Trump vote was willing to vote for anyone not named Donald Trump in 2020. This time around if they don’t like Trump and they don’t like who eventually is running against him, then they are just not going to vote, or they will vote 3rd party.


What? Elected DA, elected AG, elected US Senator, elected VP of the US. Never lost an election.

Trump: Elected one time only, then crashed and burned.

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I don’t think he will agree to debate her.