You wanna learn everything you need to know about the democrats selected nominee.
The vice president of the United States should be sitting right behind Benjamin Netanyahu right now as he, as the leader of one of America’s greatest allies, addresses the United States House and Senate.
Instead she’s off speaking to some sorority hoping not to piss off the anti semites in Rashida Tlaib’s district in Michigan.
A New England state that has long been regarded as a “sanctuary” for illegal immigrants is now dramatically scaling back its emergency migrant shelter services and offering plane rides for them to leave, according to a Tuesday announcement.
■■■??? Libs want to give these migrants plane rides to leave??? What about all the BS about the benefits of an open border?
I think if they just stuck with the border and inflation that would be good enough. The dems don’t have a solid counter to either. I mean, they can debate the issues but there’s no silver bullet that’s gonna sway a lot of voters on those issues.