Right now, Trump leads Harris by 1.7%. Best strategies going forward

Harris hasn’t even started to campaign yet.

Sounds familiar.


Precisely…don’t take anything for granted.


Not hateful enough for musk’s twitter, apparently. Oh well. $4 million is a nice haul.

They’ve likely adjusted their, methods, since. :wink:

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The clown show goes on. :rofl:


More Cow Bell!!!

The resemblance is uncanny. Those university bubbles produce the most interesting offspring.


harris is in honeymoon period,right now.

will be ending soon as the democratic convention is over and the real campaigning begins.


I feel that she needs to start campaigning right away.

Start showing this. A LOT!

One of the most disgusting people on the tube.

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Explains quite a lot about Kamala.

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Not sure attacking Harris for word salads will work when there are just as many word salads from Trump.

But as always these types of attacks are a distraction. Plenty of policy positions to attack Harris on.

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Sure, sure, sure. What were her accomplishments again, so that we can compare them against the orange man?


Yes, we know we aren’t allowed to attack her about ____________.

Fill in the blank. All answers are correct.


Well have they called up the National Guard yet?

Too lazy. That was one of the complaints about her presidential campaign from her managers.

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Harris’ entire career to this point has been as a result of her indiscretions and doors opening because all the right boxes had been checked. Apparently the need to work for a position may be a concept Harris is not very familiar with? Case in point, the 2020 Democrat presidential campaign. Harris dropped out of the race citing “a lack of funds”, Harris officially withdrew her candidacy on December 3, 2019. Harris announced her candidacy in January 2019 and had widely been considered a “high profile” candidate for the 2020 Democratic Party presidential primaries since 2016!
As the alternative to OBiden, we are being told the dough now has been pouring in by the uber millions! Why not in 2019?
The media is trying desperately to portray Harris as something she can never be and trying to erase a failed past in both the professional and political Harris. In 2019 people didn’t buy whatever she was selling. Now, she has to own the wreckage and misery she and her OBiden administration has heaped on America. Good luck putting lipstick on that hogwash and hoping no one notices.


So your saying all of the success she has had in her career is due to her being black and ■■■■■■■ the right people?

If thats so then why not just be honest instead of using words like “indiscretions” and phrases such as “right boxes checked”.


I note that have rather conveniently omitted her AG runs as well as her senate run. I assume those took at least some work.

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