Republican discussed violent attacks and surveillance with rightwingers

Jameson and a bike ride for me…well, bike ride first. You’re the one for warm tea and a granny blanket.:grin:

Second childhood? Handlebar streamers and a bell? Dora the Explorer backpack?

Are you talking about some on the left who have stated that they want Trump supporters dead or removed from society? What do you think they mean when they say we are going to make sure that people who support Trump are never heard again?

Each Antifa riot is a separate incidence.

The numbers are heavily skewed against you.

Blm and Antifa are as bad as white supremacist groups. That you feel that they are some how different says a lot.

Just like the left are not condemning Antifa and letting them find recognition. In fact I have heard some on the left even defend Antifa.

Apparently you are unaware of what side of the political aisle the majority of domestic terrorism and other hate crimes are coming from

Yeah yeah, plastic flower basket on the front, baseball cards in the spokes and everything. When I put on my goofy helmet and pedal around tge block the neighbors say “if Obama had a son, he’d look like that.”

I bet our current President couldn’t ride a bike if his life depended on it

What everyone is ignoring is that just because a group gets labeled right wing or left wing does not mean that they are republicans or democrats. People use the word right or the word left to tie these groups to one party or the other. When in fact they are not a part of either party.

Do the left need to call out Antifa and other groups? Or are only white nationalist bad? It seems like you like to overlook the violence on the left.

List the ones from the right.

I’ll list the ones from Antifa and the left.

My list will be a lot longer.

I bet he couldn’t, with his giant manly hands, how could he grasp the handlebars? But if he could he wouldn’t need a helmet. That thick rich golden mane of locks would be adequate to protect that great big brain of his.

please name any mainstream people on the left in the DNC who support ANTIFA.

Antifa only punches nazi’s, just like grandpa did back in WW2…so they’re basically war heroes.

…or so we’ve been told.

The alt-right has killed 43 people in the last four years.

Here is a report from the ADL that documents the majority of extremist-related murders in 2018 coming from right wing extremists

Their lack of perpetual condemnation is support…same metric we use for those racist republicans.

They do condemn groups like ANTIFA.

Republican couldn’t even condemn white nationalist after a dude ran over as woman with his car.

I absolutely condemn Antifa’s methods 100% but support their cause of rooting out racism. What about white supremacists make you only condemn those opposing them?