"Republican" Dewine Refuses to Re-Open Ohio

Here’s Republican Dear Leader guidelines. Is Republican governor following these?

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Everybody should be listening to the president. I get that some Democrats and NeverTrumpers are upset that Donald Trump is trying to do what’s best for ALL AMERICANS, but that’s his JOB! Follow the guidelines that Donald Trump’s administration is recommending! We are lucky that he’s the president right now and not Hillary Clinton. Can you even imagine how Americans would have responded if it was HER administration that was recommending that people stay at home and social distance? It WOULDN’T have happened!


Our GOP Governor extended the stay-at-home order in Arizona here until May 15th with a few modifications. He has recently been getting criticized over local radio for doing so.

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My GOP Governor is going to extend until things flatten out which may not be until June. :man_facepalming:
However, he might be part of the deep state also, because he’s a never Trumper who might actually care about the lives of people in his state. How dare him care about them and not willing to sacrifice Marylander’s for the sake of the economy. Time to march down at Annapolis again…yeee haw


And that’s exactly what the base doesn’t want to hear from non-faithful subjects. The nefarious deep state must exist. I’ve researched the memes and emojis. It’s all there if you look hard enough.


Thank you, I will.
looky there I just did. :smiley:

Ahh the ol’ perjury trap…lol. Here’s an idea…just tell the truth and you’ll have nothing to worry about.

At my work we are planning on working from home until at least June even with those “protesters” yesterday. Although I’m sure if the Republicans were able, they would have everyone back to work tomorrow because they worship Mammon. Thank God we elected Democrats in 2018.

People don’t even know what a perjury trap is but they keep trotting it out.

A perjury trap can’t happen unless the witness was asked about something immaterial to the case and lies about that.

If he lies about something germane to the case being investigated, then it is perjury no matter what.

I believe you are wrong … again. All that’s needed is another source, either oneself at a different time, or someone else, giving a contradicting testimony and the FBI can allege the target committed perjury.

No, you are wrong.

That’s what perjury is. Claiming as a material fact knowing it is false and then proof of lying presented to contradict what the claimant said.

And you are correct, law enforcement can “claim” the claimant committed perjury - that’s it. They have to charge the individual and prove it in court. Unless the evidence is overwhelming, then the person can just admit guilt.

Proving perjury is not a “perjury trap”.


No…that’s called perjury?

You seriously believe if a person lies, then the investigators find someone else who told the truth, that the first person was trapped into lying?


It can be very expensive to go through the process of proving you did not lie. It can bankrupt you, even if you are innocent. Perjury trap is not catching someone in perjury, but entrapping them into a necessary defense against a perjury charge.

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Exactly. I think they should replace Christopher Wray with General Flynn.

Finally some of the corruption in that organization(FBI) would get purged.

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Time to protest and get legislation to over ride.

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DeWine was so much farther ahead on COVID than the president or literally any other governor that he probably deserves the benefit of the doubt that he knows what he’s doing. And it pains me to praise any Ohio politician, truly.

Coulda just used the honorariums Russian state TV was lying him, or the money the Turkish government was paying him to pay for a lawyer.

Good acting piranhas in that movie.

Did he have a trial and was found guilty or did he plead guilty?