Report: It Looks Like Biden Really Did Have a Medical Event in July

He’s too mentally incompetent to be held accountable for the laws he broke, that the left is going after Trump for…but he was ok enough to run again for POTUS. What difference does another condition make? Biden is simply a puppet.


i leave loyalty to the trumpies who are riding the titanic to its ultimate demise.


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when exposed, resort to trolling good job👍🏿


i jumped (and took off in scarce lifeboats) off the biden ship long ago.


Who cares about the health of the POTUS? I remember a time when you were really concerned. Pepperidge Farm remembers…


Don’t forget, these jackasses were in the Other Thread swallowing things 180° from what they’re sucking on now. :wink:


Your lack of concern is your loyalty. Just admit it so we don’t have to go 150 posts about how hypocritical you are.


that POTUS was running for re-election. this one is not.

Apples and oranges.


switching back to the topic….?

yeah everyone saw the “writing on the wall” huh?

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That POTUS was an R, this one’s a D. Thats the only line of delineation. Go walk it off.

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they should have.

foresight is my gift.

all the bidies were giddy during the primary season, where as i was much more realistic. hes an old man who should have never run for a second term.


If y’all can’t even get one loser to admit what a lame hack they always are, imagine the task ahead with the rest of that retard bunch? Y’all are gonna lose IQ points just being around these creatures. :rofl:

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can you show us where you were more “realistic?”

true, but i have mozart on in the background. it (almost) balances it out


I know they’re not going to fess up, honesty is unbecoming in their world. I just like to point out their commands. They’ve been commanded to forget about Biden, kamal is now their queen. All praise Kamala! She is the most virtuous one! The TV man said so! They have to go forward to keep from getting whipped in the back.


i did not want biden to run for a second term. some dems who were wrong in supporting him, lapped it up with open arms. it was a huge mistake. corrected. we needed a young team to run against old man trump. mission accomplished.


so, “no” then?

it was unrealistic to support biden for a second term in my way of thinking.

you should see all the grief i took for my stance.




you cant back up your claim.

we’re shocked :open_mouth: