Remember when "false flags" used to be dismissed as crazy conspiracy theories?

Now charges of false-flag operations have become an official White House position.

“As part of its plans, Russia is laying the groundwork to have the option of fabricating a pretext for invasion,” White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki told reporters on Friday.

“We have information that indicates Russia has already pre-positioned a group of operatives to conduct a false flag operation in eastern Ukraine.”

Fortunately, the evil Russians are much more clever than Americans.

Any suggestion people at the George Bush Center for Intelligence or related agencies would do anything similar is still ridiculous.

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Operation Northwoods. Bay of Pigs. :rofl:


If you respond, he’ll keep posting.:wink:

Well good. We’re having a conversation here. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Yes, false flags sponsored by the US only occurred back in the 1960s.

Or is it just that those are the only ones that have been declassified?

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The government purposefully did incredibly harmful things to its own citizens and people abroad, but golly, they must’ve felt bad about it when they got caught, because they’ve never done anything bad since. :wink:


This is the intelligence agency that spread and gave credibility to the dossier, that said Kabul would not fall, that had 50 retired leaders say that the laptop emails were Russian disinformation, that told us about weapons of mass destruction, that suggested the Russians were paying a bounty on American soldiers and then had no evidence….
How dare you question them.


Democrat polies always accuse others of what they themselves are doing.


Oh…you mean like the head of your virology department personally deciding that the knowledge gained from gain of function research on viruses, exceeded the potential damage to the world if it ever escaped the lab and caused a world pandemic?

This truth is far from being fully exposed and those involved must be held accountable. Millions and millions around the world have died and Fauci holds a large part of that responsibility.


The invasion of Iraq.

…but…but…Halliburton needed work.


Just Iraq? :rofl:

Yellow cake smoking gun mushroom clouds from Saddam Al Zarkawi.

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Trust the “Experts”

Fauci comes to mind too…