Religious and political disunity has condemned Earth. Should we thank our religious leaders?

Religious and political disunity has condemned Earth. Should we thank our religious leaders?

One needs not be a rocket scientist to recognize that it is our failure at the U.N. and other international bodies, who are working hard to unite the world politically and religiously; that is the core of our woes.

By “our” I mean the rank and file who are suffering and dying for our failing systems of political and religious governance.

We also pay heavily for our failed systems of religious and political governance. Billions upon billions of dollars wasted; especially the waste on pointless religions, in terms of law and morality.

If the world does not unify or allow the next few years to exacerbate and hasten the demise of Earth; this generation shows how vile it is as a species.

Individually, people are fantastic. As Jesus said, you got to love them all.

Without leadership, we are deadly. Earth needs a, — Captain Jesus, — and decent candidates are not being recognized. Strange, given that Jesus’ moral tenets mostly aren’t, and secular law has already made his love as law ideology fail.

I can remember 30 odd years ago looking at statistics and trying to project the future. I thought people would get worse over time. But the reverse has proven itself to be true. I thought the world would unify. But again I have been proven wrong due to our tolerance of religious and political con men.

Religious leaders in particular, as well as their slaved sheeple, — that is you if you are religious, — claim to have moral superiority granted to them by their, so called good gods.

All you religious are the vast majority; so why are you screwing up our world?

The world has had enough of your religious arguments, when you bother making them; which is seldom.

Not surprising that, given your inability to do good apologetics for your vile gods, and your propensity to use inquisition and jihad methods to make the points you cannot do mentally, intellectually or rationally.
Your religious violence and lack of tolerance has wounded the world and you do not care enough for your fellow man and children to leave them a place cleaner and better than what you found.

We are presently spending many trillions world-wide on our various forms of governance.

Our religious governance is not serving us well in areas where it says it excels.

Religions are in fact harmful to society as a whole. I can say that while recognizing that it had many uses in the past and that without it we would not be as advanced as we are.

I think we should cut our losses and divert those gains to the environment. I think we can and should scrap religions and proceed to do the better thing and use politics as our only law. It has earned it.

Your thoughts?


I do agree that organized religion may have had it’s place in the past, but nowadays it causes more harm than good. Whether it be religious based strife that has consumed many parts of the world or crafting 21st century social policy based on 3,000 year old moral norms, we need to move forward as a species. That comes when we stop handing off responsibility for our actions to ancient texts and unseen deities.

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Humans need to find divisions to feel part of a group…

If we dont fight over religion we will fight over something else…

It would come down to eye color if needed…



Yes the godless religion of socialism killed, enslaved and made poor more people in history than any other religion and in a much shorter time. The only other religion that even comes close the plague of death caused by unfettered socialism is perhaps Islam. Overall in science and human rights Christianity has been the best force in history…

You ain’t one them filthy blue eyes, are ya?!

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Intelligent and concise.


It is not their worship of vile gods that I dislike.

It is their homophobic and misogynous and warring ways that I dislike.

Will you defend to the death their right to discriminate and denigrate against half the world’s population without a just cause?


Sure, but the mainstream religions do not put a just cause into their divisions away from the dreaded other.

You seem to recognize that. Nice.


As the world you want to pass to your children and grand children is ruined.

Oh well. If you do not want to be a part of the solution ----


You are not part of the solution. When I see what your sort are doing in Quebec you guys are bo different than the Catholics when they were having too much say in the province.

Would you say that religious reform, especially Islam’s reform, is a good thing?

Have you noted that since France brought in the same type of legislation, Islam opened the world’s first female imam run mosque that embraces unveiled women and gays that they would normally murder?

Have you also noted that many countries are now banning religious veils and masques for security and peace reasons?

Have you also noted that the most peaceful and law abiding nations have the least amount of religiosity?


You are just another person who wants the government to enforce their personal beliefs.

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My sort, the secular, elect those who control us and we do not kowtow to ancient and vile un-elected gods nor their homophobic and misogynous religions.

Why do you?


You have to call names when your truth is revealed.
You need others to agree with you. That just shows you are no better than religious people you think you are better than.

You are not are non religious tyrants. Who do respect the freedom to believe or not believe which is truly secular

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No I Am passing on any discussion, because what I have to say no one’s going to agree with, so I pass to save the heAdache.

Here’s a hint, your entire OP points to we the people, not the political and religious leaders. I suggest to stop the pontificating…and start voting correctly. Not by party.

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I’m your huckleberry.

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Hey! You don’t talk to my libs that way! Get right or get gone.

When deflection is all you have left —
