Religions and supernatural beliefs are the enemy of world peace, as shown by 5000 years of war

Religions and supernatural beliefs are the enemy of world peace, as shown by 5000 years of war.

Supernatural believing faith-based religious hierarchies have been lying so much to their people that the more vulnerable of their people actually believe the — mythical, allegorical, imaginary icons that they are persuaded,— against all logic and reason, — to believe in as real. That is abuse to a mind.

A mind is a person’s most treasured possession and to allow liars and con men to effect and infect so many minds, — should be made illegal, as well as a sin, — but of course, — the world is not ready for a moral religious lesson.

Logic, reason, logos, intelligent thinking, — it seems, — are no match against the vile con men who run the religions and the mythos they and the faith poison they use to damage precious minds.

We and our ancestors have paid a high price to the religious con men that have damaged so many minds. A huge price in minds, cash as well as; world peace.

Those con men should be censored.

Religions are a good thing. They have just forgotten that they were created to produce peace.

Not the God damned God produced 5,000 years of our war filled history.

While those same religions oppressed non-believers, women and gays. As the majority, the religious also impose poverty.

The supernatural belief fostered by the mainstream, — immoral, homophobic, and misogynous religions, — and their con men hierarchy, — are not a friend to peace.

They should be outlawed as soon as possible.

This would allow what Jesus preached in terms of electing a human God.

Human Gods can make peace and I suggest we elect one, as in the Roman System, democracy; to bring peace to the world that we are God damned destroying for our children.

Their precious minds are in your hands.

Logos or mythos must be chosen by all.

Peace wants Logos, not mythos, faith, or an unproven supernatural concept of any kind.

Trust the method for peace that Jesus preached. Elect a God. A man. Jesus asked his people if they had forgotten that they were Gods.

Most had, but not the Gnostics who had taught the Roman Jesus.

Be a Gnostic and recognize the evil of religions, as well as the good parts.

I would prefer to focus on the good, but my love has created a great hate for the religious con men who harm so many.

That hate forces me to call them out, even as I recognize the need for community churches. Less so now as in the past.

Our world cannot afford to lose good minds to religious faith based supernatural thinking that is helping to destroy our world.

Peace and decent morality would like to prevail.

Be decent parents and people and tell your children that there is nothing to fear from the supernatural, because there is only good, in what you can imagine somehow; even if you do not see it in your imagination immediately. Think dreams.

Minds are too precious to allow frivolous impairment. Save yours by discarding faith without facts and the imaginary supernatural realm.




Are you following a particular sect or teacher? IRL?

People will go to war over a ham sandwich.


Indeed. You don’t need to believe in the supernatural to be envious of what your neighbours have and to fight them for it.

Pretty much, was just pondering has America ever even fought a religious war? I am thinking the answer is no. I know WW1, WW2, Korean War, Vietnam, Gulf Wars had nothing to do with religion but by evil dictators and resources. And Maos Great Leap Forward which caused anywhere from 40-80 million deaths had nothing to do with religion as well.

I am sure there has been some holy wars in the past 100 years but it’s late and they don’t come to mind.

The 30 years war was the last true war of religion that affected an entire continent. And even then only the first half was really a religious conflict. A religious civil war in the Holy Roman Empire between Catholics and Protestants. After the halfway mark, the other European great powers got involved and religion didn’t play a big role in their alliances. France, officially a Catholic state, supported the Protestant princes of the Holy Roman Empire.

Every major war since then, from what I’ve read over the years, were primarily fought over matters of political ideology and economics. Race also played a role in some conflicts.

Once before when you posted a similar post I asked you same question. Background is needed. Either your ideas are your own or coming from an external source or influences

The word Gnostic in your avatar could connote many contradictory types of Gnosticism. If you could answer my question then that would help understand what kind of Gnosticism you are preaching.

The religion I practice says…Love The Lord with all of your heart, all of your strength, all of your mind and all of your soul and to Love each other, as yourself. If all of us practice this, there’s no such thing as a war.


Not seeing atheists or secularists anywhere in a search of religion & feeding the hungry. Nor in education until about the last century:

I’m a terrible practitioner of any faith. But genuinely committed peoples of faith have done far more to improve the conditions of their fellow human beings than those who forever whine about them and/or their particular faiths.

Thanks for the info so we basically have to go back to the 1600’s.

Don’t sell yourself short. My faith is my way of life – the way I live every day. I don’t think there is a right or wrong way, to serve the Lord, because we are all different.


Maybe because religion gets all the press?

Why do religious folks feed the hungry? So they can make their converts.

Why do atheists and secularists feed the hungry? Because they’re nice people.

Bill Gates is an atheist, yet he’s set up a charitable foundation to help people. Plenty of atheists have.

What about minor wars? Islamists, still with their minds in the 14th century, busy taking over territory and forceably converting people to their religion…

Christians don’t behead people who show cartoons of God, that’s true, but they still go out and evangelize and threaten people with hell if they don’t “flee to God”… from God.

Why would I not? If The Lord has placed me as His steward over earthly assets, why would I not share the abundance and help all those I can along the way.

Also let me add this, I could argue that a steward helps others for greedy reasons…because it’s true, you can’t out give The Lord. :sunglasses:

I actually agree, but only if “militant atheism” is classified as a religion. By militant atheism, I mean not just unbelief in a deity, but active persecution of all religious beliefs as enemies of the state.

Since the Russian Revolution, militant atheistic regimes have killed more people than all the religious wars put together throughout recorded history. The religion of militant atheism included cults of personality that elevated leaders to quasi-deities while people were made into slaves to the state.

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The point is atheists do it too.

Also let me add this, I could argue that a steward helps others for greedy reasons…because it’s true, you can’t out give The Lord

Course you can.

The Lord, in actuality, gives nothing.

If you give to the needy, you, like most others who do so, are better than your own God.

If leaders are turned into quasi-deities is the cult still atheistic?

Then you’re speaking of things you do not know but hopefully will one day. What I said is spot on but it’s from my POV because I have a relationship. You do not and so you do not understand.

22 “He also that had received two talents came and said, ‘Lord, thou deliveredst unto me two talents; behold, I have gained two other talents beside them.’

23 His lord said unto him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. Thou hast been faithful over a few things; I will make thee ruler over many things. Enter thou into the joy of thy lord.’