Reference point in weather death tolls: An average US winter kills ~120,000 people

no one is saying that the PR gov’t isnt responsible for some of the deaths (they are), but they hurricane related, there is no getting around that,


Of course, without protection people are doomed. Thats why we have heating systems, air conditioning, and electricity and cars for abandoning ship when necessary. If I am living in wilmington, NC, its feets dont fail me now. Load everyone (cats) into an auto on Monday and start traveling west. I know thats not possible for everyone but staying put is not an option for me.


Incorrect. Watch the news. The blame has been laid directly at Trump’s feet. And the death toll has been artificially inflated to exacerbate this blame. All the while, PR’s corruption goes largely ignored. This:

Coupled with PR’s reluctance to accept outside help from nearby power authorities early on is why there was any issue at all.

Because energy is too expensive.

You really should have read the article.

This is what you think Trump should have done? Hired people to do another analysis? Cool.

Or. He could have shown compassion for the loss of life in PR, and pledge continued support to the rebuilding of their island. It’s really not that hard.

They wouldn’t have died if they didn’t choose to live in that ■■■■ hole. Democrats made their bed in PR, and now they’re paying for it.

Why would he want to help them rebuild the island? They didn’t vote for him. There’s literally zero political capital that he could gain by investing resources into PR. We should probably remove their status as an Unincorporated territory of the US and let them become their own country, before more of those libs move to Florida and Texas and vote in those elections.

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By who CNN (AT&T) “fake news”

who is denying 3K died because of the Hurricane?

That is what he is taking flak over.

Death denier.

as far as FEMA response, i could have been better.

but what FEMA thing goes perfectly right. Even under Obama there were missteps.


There you go. If Puerto Rico can’t help you politically, why help them? All those dead people wouldn’t have voted in your favor, so let them die. In fact, push the blame onto the deceased and the democrats.

Compassion and accountability for miles. :roll_eyes:

I hoping that was sarcasm.

Calirepub is a satirical poster.

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I thought so. Couldn’t remember for sure and I fell for it.

No. Puerto Rico should have actual numbers.

Here are the number of people we know have died since the hurricane.
Here are the number of those people that died related to the hurricane.
Here are the number of people still missing/unaccounted for.

Instead the government of Puerto Rico has taken the easy way out and made the death toll what the estimate is.

It’s my contention that the numbers are way off and pulled from a George Washington university study based on “likely hood”. IF that number is somehow correct, the attribution should be to several factors from corruption or pure ineptitude displayed by the PR government and officials within PREPA. The simplification of hurricane deaths is misleading in effort to pump air into a political football.

Consider for an instant the general ineptitude of the Puerto Rican Commonwealth Gov;t for a monment.

do you really want a death count from them?


Or both.
Has aid to Puerto Rico stopped? Do we no longer want the truth?

Better than a “this is how many are typically killed” so we will go with that number.

Yes, I want the Puerto Rico government to give actual numbers. Lets see just how incompetent they are when the numers are not nearly the estimate.

The study used numbers from the Puerto Rico Vital Statistics Registry. That’s as official as it gets in Puerto Rico.

Of course. But what did Trump decide to do?

Flub it and make a stupid tweet, of course.