Recession indicator flashing red

This is going to end well. This guy is the most complete fat donald boot licker on earth.

There is no democratic candidate that is running on reducing the deficit. The only candidate that is mentioning it is that independent CEO from Starbucks.

You only have to be right 75% and instant Billionaire.


Herman Cain? Nine, nine, nine Herman Cain? :rofl:

donald Trump did. another classic failure.


I was asking specifically about Fox News as that was the US cable channel I would watch during the Obama presidency. The national debt clock was featured many ties on several programmes.

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Okay. I’m not sure what that has to do with my post exactly. But if you say this is the case, I can only surmise you have studied the positions of all of the announced candidates closely, which is what informs this perspective.

Fair enough. I no longer watch Fox, as I refuse to add viewership to the damage they are doing to our society.

The American Rupert Murdoch owns Sky News in Australia where the commentators after 6 pm Eastern States have been collective as Sky News after dark that seems to be attempting to replicate Fox News.

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Isn’t is crazy that all of these guys come out of George Mason University?

I’ve read about some of that. Perhaps my comment should be amended to what damage they are doing to the global society.

Touché he was the only democrat that did but he also ran on infrastructure spending and not touching entitlements. I think we should listen to Simpson and Bowles that Obama had look into the problem. Whatever happened to those guys?

Yes I have listened to their speeches no one mentions deficit spending. The Schultz guy did but he is running as an independent.

The guy named Yang might be, he is only polling around .00008% but supposedly he has some interesting talking points.

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That’s more than myself. I have very little interest in any of them. The likelihood of me voting for whoever makes it to the end is infinitesimal, so I tend to not worry much until the end about learning all of their positions.

Check out Andrew Yang he is supposedly offering some different solutions. Rogan had him on.

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I will for sure. Thanks for the advise.

No one is giddy.

Discussing economic realities is just that - discussing economic realities.

The difference is that we have “compulsory voting” so it is generally necessary to get more than 50% of the votes to win the election. We also have an independent electoral commission that determines electoral boundaries, so the “Fox News” model doesn’t translate to the same dominance in Australia.

The other consideration is that we have the ABC here so economic news is available without the commercial bias.

I don’t think many will argue with you here that our news isn’t crazily biased. We don’t really have a BBC type of media here.

If you want actual unbiased news in this country you have to go to NPR/PBS.