Real chance for a third party

Someone mentioned a Biden/Romney ticket. Some say it would be a gift for Trump. Some say it would kill Trump. I will hazard a guess that shortly the third party scenario will be polled.

I donā€™t know who it would hurt the most.
I know it would take votes away from Trump.
I donā€™t have a feel about what average Democrats think about the leftist nuts who seem to be taking over the party.

Unless the candidate is a multi billionaire who wants to self fund, I agree.

There may be a few of those running around.
Bloomberg and Mark Cuban come to mind.

Iā€™m in the camp who think it would be a gift for Trump. I doubt that a third party would attract many Trump supporters, but it would split Democrats and independents.

Then Trump wins with 38 percent of the vote, and Democrats end up furious with a third-party Biden.

It wouldnā€™t attract Trump supporters but it would attract Republicans who donā€™t like Trump. There are a lot of them.

Joe Biden is a lifelong Democrat, he will never go third party.

Bloomberg is a possibility. I doubt Cuban would do it.

There is no reason in the world for any Democrat to go third party.

The only third party that makes any sense at this point is a real Republican/conservative party, opposed to the trump party.

I agree with this. America had the two worst possible choices in 2016, and the rallying cry for both parties was ā€œA third party vote supports Clinton/Trump!ā€

Republicans will vote for Donald again in 2020, rationalizing that heā€™s still better than any Democratic candidate.

Bloomberg is a Democrat.

I am a moderate Democrat and I do not agree with some of the bigger government ideas that Sanders and others want. I believe that the Democrats need to do a better job of messaging. And they need to admit that the two coasts alone will not elect them. Democrats used to be the party of the blue collar crowd. So they need to get middle America back. I think the Mueller report will have a impact. To what extentā€¦film at eleven.

He was a republican earlier in his life.

He was a Democrat for most of his life.

Political party Democratic (before 2001, 2018ā€“present)
Other political
affiliations Republican (2001ā€“2007)

It seems he switches when the wind blows. Yeah, he could go third party.

Yep. Iā€™ve mentioned Perot in this thread. He took 19% of the vote in 1992. He could have drawn in the 30% range if he hadnā€™t quit and came back.

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Is there a more insufferable ticket possible?

Their slogan would be something like: Making America Respectable Again

Honestly, I remember Dana Carveyā€™s impression of Ross Perot more than Ross Perot himself.

Do you remember George Wallace in 1968? 14% of the vote and 46 Electoral votes.