Re-Thinking Single Payer

People die in this country because of ‘‘no’’ waits. they have nothing.

The following is little know fact about rationing in Britain in WW2.

Maybe it had something to do with why National Health system was passed as easily as it was after the war.

Rationing was govt. run during the war. It was the war and everyone pitched in. Note: A significant % of rationing in the US was done to support rationing in Britain.

Main Point: Overall nutrition in Britain improved under rationing during the war than over pre-war standards.

Who says the govt. can’t do things right

Gun nutters that want a link will be shocked.

Yea, let’s go for mediocre & costing twice as much. It will ruin the economy, but the left won’t mind…

That’s what we have now, compared to most other developed nations.