Rare earth metals are not rare. Not even a little bit

In three to five years there will be more rare earth metals than we know what to do with.

Yeah yeah yeah, environmental damage. Cons didn’t give two ■■■■■ about mining damage until rare earth metals was deemed a left wing cause. Cry me a river.

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Um what does that have to do with your article? But to your point it is not that they suddenly care it is that the left doesn’t all of the sudden and the hypocrisy of it.


Slaves build their electronics, black kids mine their cobalt. Same ■■■■ different century, and it’s all the cons’ fault. :crazy_face:


So both sides have more hypocrisy than can be quantified, that’s even worse lol. As to what it all has to do with the article, the entire issue has been politicized more than most

YOUR electronics and YOUR cobalt. :rofl:

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i love how you can tell the article is written by leftwing ninny who hates capitalism.

“Demand increased and supplies appeared uncertain, so prices rose – markets do indeed work like that graph on page two of every economics book ever. Then comes the next stage: prices now being high, capitalists get to work, driven by their lust for profits. “



Ores for rare earths are not that rare. Finding places willing to deal with environmental problems of refining it ore is the real issue.

China’s stranglehold of the rare earths supply chain will last another decade

. . .There are two key issues with the production of REEs. First, all the rare earth deposits are mixed together, so it is hard and expensive for processors to separate them and to take advantage of their individual properties (and to split up the more valuable ones, such as terbium, from those of little value, like lanthanum). Second, REEs are bound up in mineral deposits with the low-level radioactive element, thorium, exposure to which has been linked to an increased risk of developing lung and pancreatic cancer. These obstacles create a huge challenge for any Western company that wants to become involved in the industry.

Using thorium as a fuel for nuclear reactors could be potential solution for the thorium issue.

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Difference is, you’re too (D)ishonest to own up to it. :wink:

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i haven’t seen any cons complaining about mining rare earth metals… perhaps you have an example?


Exactly! There’s tons of fossil fuels along with other forms of environmental damage, along with abuses to those involved in the labor, that goes into the mining of the (not so) rare earth metals that the Left doesn’t care about! No hypocrisy there though?

Me? Not at all.

Nearly every thread that ever mentions them here for starters. Maybe your memory ain’t so good.

He said, posting from his black slaves’ hard work. :wink:

Find a post of mine that supports your false supposition.

Your response to your slave-provided life was, “Nuh uh! Yours!”

You may stop flailing around in your own thread now. :rofl:

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LOL. That means we are ALL using the same ■■■■ from the same mines.

Yeah, and then pampered hypocrites like you complain about inequality, racism, slavery, etc., while gleefully participating and benefiting from it. :wink:


Pampered. You are too funny.

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I’m sure life is hard. :wink:

It is exactly what I made it.