Queen's Pretty Awesome

Kerr Starmer?

John Kerr: “well may we say God save the queen, because nothing will save the Governor-General” EG Whitlam (11/11/75).

Not really familiar with the backstory there.

Think you’ll finally break free from the yoke of British tyranny when she goes?

Unfortunately, no. We need a majority of states as well as an overall majority. It is a classic case of divide and conquer. Those wanting to get rid of the queen are split into two factions. One where the president is popularly elected and those who think it should be elected by a joint sitting of parliament with a certain percentage required to ensure that there is a bi-partisan agreement in the parliament.

I may create a thread in Outside the Beltway or if you don’t have anything better you can google The dismissal Gough Whitlam or Australian 1975 constitutional crisis.

I’d be more impressed if she put her hand in her pocket

It’s not just his name. He reads the site and has occasionally posted here as well.

Premier Broadcasting owns the site, not some granny in a basement in Delaware.

Short arms; long pockets.

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