Queen Nancy Really is Tone Deaf

This is the end of Nancy Pelosi’s career.

drinks like a fish is really a bad analogy… fish would die in pools of alcohol


It’s over

Fox/OAN Scandal Names:

  • Dairygate
  • The Freezer Fiasco
  • The Ice Cream Antisocial
  • Double Scoop Whoop De Whoop (my fav)


  • Ice Chest Nancy
  • The French Fridge Flibbertigibbit From Frisco (my fav)
  • Countess Chocula

She drinks water like a fish. Good for the complexion.

This one.


This thread could be Wavy Lays for a new decade…

It’s food related, includes pearl clutching (“think of the families!!!”), and is making me smile, much like Wavy Lays did almost a decade ago…

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This is a stupid thing to get upset about.


I love it!

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Is this a serious thread?

Another nice lady said the same thing but in French…“let them eat cake”. :sunglasses:

Yeah…I know…and imagine if she got two scoops! :sunglasses:

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This thread is clearly about ice cream. If you cannot stay on topic, you’ll get the cone of shame


She’s 80 years old, what kids?

Talk about being completely out of touch with the people…libs will defend her thou.


It is remarkable she rarely sees negative press.

Tearing up the SOTU address with a mention of CV19 got an even mix of support and condemnation.

She has very clearly found near Presidential power with almost no expiration date.

Must be the ice cream diet.

Imagine the size of the freezer with the steaks.

Her daughter is a Mini me…Poised to claim her prized seat when the time is right.


“Queen Nancy”?

This thread is amazing.


Oh come on!

I mean, the “Dairy” Queen joke was right there waiting for you, and you blew it.

To say I’m disappointed would be an understatement.

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I have to agree.