Public health information removed

Pure garbage

as I said, all anecdotal ■■■■■■■■■ based on “studies” designed to elicit a desired result.

and even if that part wasn’t garbage

lets see… if you begin measuring AFTER the virus has plateaued and end as the wave subsides… what do you think the result will be?

This “study” is a part of the anecdotal crap the CDC used to pretend it has a handle on things and were telling you what you could do to help. The only “science” involved is sociology.

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Oh sure.

You are for sure WAY better equipped than the folks doing the studies. I totally believe you over them!

and yet I was right. Still am.

facebook survey?

measuring effectiveness AFTER incidence is already heading down?

You don’t need to be equipped with anything to know thats crap, and definitely not science. Its the search for supporting anecdotes.

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No, you aren’t correct.

Masks are effective against airborne illnesses.

They are perfect, but they are effective.

Still doesn’t change the facts that CDC was unprepared for major virus outbreak.

no, they are not effective against this disease (which is droplet based not airborne) and the only study done that was actually controlled and verified (as much as it could be) including some 13000 subjects confirmed without doubt that cloth masks did less than nothing and may have actually caused harm making people believe they were safer. That surgical masks at best made a small (almost imeasurable) difference though it could not confirm it was the masks that made the difference (if there even was one) and not other factors, and that N95 masks were more effective when worn and used properly (which was almost never) but used the way they were they did lower the risk for people about 11%. That was the only group with any sort of positive result.

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I also remember saying it was mostly vaccinated one that were spreading the virus…and of course libs came unglued because they believed in BS line that if you were vaccinated you will not get covid.

But they were the ones spreading covid because they didn’t know they had it.

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One reason they were unprepared is, Trump closed two offices dedicated to preparing for pandemics!

I get it…in your eyes CDC was perfect in response to Covid.

Absolutely not.

But you seem to want to absolve Trump of affecting their preparedness.

Did you not see the post I made 5 years ago…yes or no?

and the people who worked in them still worked doing the same thing, just not in that office.

In his eyes everything is Trump fault. This way they don’t have to accept any responsibility for failures over at CDC.

Trump is there scapegoat.

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to be sure, he made his own mistakes. the biggest of which was commanding the stage. dems politicized covid, but trump made it easy

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