Oh and there was no hindsight…go back to those thread when I told you all how CDC was ■■■■■■■ up in real time.
In fact I was very first people to spill the beans even before anyone in the media.
Oh and there was no hindsight…go back to those thread when I told you all how CDC was ■■■■■■■ up in real time.
In fact I was very first people to spill the beans even before anyone in the media.
That won’t work. People choose wrong. It’s for your own good.
I remember a whole thread on that. It’s somewhere around here.
Here’s the one I dug through and found. I’m sure there are other/earlier versions of this sentiment expressed by you.
Thanks GW.
there is this Is the Coronavirus panic really necessary? - #549 by conan
4 days after first death when I’ve started hearing inner circle of incompetents and what my niece/brother was telling me.
It was total mayhem and were completely unprepared.
How is stating cons attack minorities they do not like, make me a victim?
I am not a minority.
And you do? Please tell me what you know.
I have no idea what you are jammering about.
Of course you don’t. Everyone else does however.
But your fine with dems attacking minorities.
Oh yeah, I forgot. You have no idea what that means.
And you do? Please tell me what you know.
I’m on record…
Victim again?
How is stating cons attack minorities they do not like, make me a victim?
I am not a minority.
And you do? Please tell me what you know.
Have you caught up yet?
The way I see it Trump hasn’t reassured Americans nor has he got out in front of this. And then you have CDC and goverment bureaucracy trying to blame Trump for their incompetence…and then you have local hospital not being up front with those that are tending to patients.
2 days after first death.
I’m on record…
What record?
The way I see it Trump hasn’t reassured Americans nor has he got out in front of this. And then you have CDC and goverment bureaucracy trying to blame Trump for their incompetence…and then you have local hospital not being up front with those that are tending to patients.
2 days after first death.
And we had some of the highest death rates among 1st world countries. You call that a good thing?
The one thing Trump got right, was operation warpspeed that got the vaccines going.
All the while y’all were freaking out baout not being able to go to the barber…weird times.
And we had some of the highest death rates among 1st world countries. You call that a good thing?
The one thing Trump got right, was operation warpspeed that got the vaccines going.
All the while y’all were freaking out baout not being able to go to the barber…weird times.
Are you going to admit it wasn’t hindsight that CDC ■■■■■■ up?
I knew on day two before anyone…any media talked about it.