Proposals to lower voting age and to restrict old people voting

I wouldn’t support restricting the elderly from voting, but in the case of Brexit I can totally understand the frustration of younger people watching their future get flushed down the toilet in a final act of short sighted selfishness by the boomers.

The generational divide has always been a thing and it’s a reason why meaningful change is as slow to take place as it is. But alas, it’s still their right.

And people should be required to serve before they become citizens.


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Yeah, yes. It’s science. Not your opinion.

What age is that and thank you in advance for your evidence.

No, they shouldn’t.

The boomers benefited greatly from what you would say is the “gimme yours” attitude.

Now that they got it, a good portion of them don’t want others to have it.

Universal health care? Screw you it might mess with my Medicare.

Keep your government hands off my Medicare!

so you’re ok with a bunch of leeches benefiting from the hard work of others who fought and died for our freedoms?

Sounds an awful lot like lib speak to me.

At what age do Boomers get Medicare?

Perhaps because you’re focused on trying to be clever.

The same age as everyone else.

cleverness is a lib tool. I speak real American for real Americans. I don’t defend liberal leeches who benefit from the sweat of patriots.

I don’t think that people need to serve in the military in order to vote, but there are still problems with military personnel stationed overseas being disenfranchised. Here is an example I found from this year in New York, where the legislature went to great lengths to deny military personnel the right to vote in the state primary even after a federal court order moved the date of the primary for federal offices:

In New York, the legislature adamantly refused to move the primary. Late primaries benefit incumbents, and the legislators who write the rules are of course incumbents. The Attorney General found it necessary to sue New York, and the federal court ordered New York to conduct its federal primary in June instead of September.14 Accordingly, the 2018 federal primary was conducted on 6/26/2018.

The legislators were so insistent that their own primary should be in September that they bifurcated the primary, even though doing so added tens of millions of dollars of cost to the taxpayers and ensured that overseas military personnel would be disenfranchised with respect to non-federal offices. Hence, the 2018 non-federal primary was held on 9/13/2018.

So much for alleged concern about voting rights. I imagine states may lower the voting age to 16, but still structure primary dates to prevent voters in the military from voting.

If you’re argument is that liberals never grew up… you’re crushing it.

Which is what? 65? You want at 25 what they paid in to their whole lives?

LOL. That seems to be a recurring theme with millenials. “Why do they have that but I don’t.”

Because they earned it.

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So what’s the problem?

Mellinials will pay much more for just about everything than the Boomers ever did.

Boomers are the “ME” generation for a reason.

Obviously not spelling lessons.

What do you mean you “pay more for just about everything?”

I’ve been in the work force paying in for 45 years. Which one of us has paid in more?

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What age would that be?

If someone has kept their mind active learning, staying active in their community, they can be just as informed as those younger.

Quality of life is higher now as well. But on the flip side… is that claim adjusted for inflation?


Look at rent, cost of college, etc.