Proof of the Fermi Paradox here on earth

No it isn’t. It’s why the use of low yield tactical nukes in the appropriate circumstances or even nuclear bunker busters is a viable option.

None of the major powers would risk full scale retaliation from overreacting to their use.

Your hoping they won’t overreact.

It isn’t just hope, it’s common sense and an understanding of the sense of both self and national preservation.

Because conflict is well known for rational though and common sense.
History has proven this true for thousand of years.

Gibberish. The major powers did not become “The Major Powers” by acting out irrationally and without consideration for the consequences of their actions.

I covered this about a month ago.

It only takes a brief mistake by a person panicked and flustered by incoming weapons or reacting in the heat of the moment to a nuclear blast.

And when a nuclear missile is incoming, you don’t know whether it is 10 Kilotons or 10 Megatons.

If anybody is stupid enough to use a low yield nuclear weapon for any reason.

Know this.

The slightest miscalculation by anybody involved in the process will start an unstoppable chain of attacks.

One miscalculation and it will be the end of humanity.

And as I said in my other thread there will be NO WINNERS.

In this situation, first place is first loser.

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You have no idea how Russia would react if you dropped a tactical nuke on their nation.

The Major power became “Major Power” because they built enough bombs to kill everyone on the planet.

We have survived all these years because everybody has been jack **** terrified of the consequences of using a nuclear weapon and consequently nobody has.

We don’t need to change that particular situation.

Everybody, including national leaders, should be terrified of the consequences of using ANY nukes.

England once started a war because someone cut down a flag pole.

America and British Empire almost want to war over a pig.
The only reason they didn’t was the commanding officer in charge of foot soldiers who were given the orders found them stupid.

No, they became the Major Powers before the first nuke was even exploded.

When was that?


That equation has been changing since India, Pakistan, North Korea, and Iran started working on nukes.

The only reason it didn’t start a full conflict is because the commanding officer for the British refused to open fire on the American soldiers, because he found the whole thing utterly stupid.

Actually I do. The Russians evil as they may be have been rational actors since WWII. The last thing they want to risk is having their nation turned to ash, rubble, and glass.

Greed is what drives Russia’s leaders in the modern era and that wealth won’t mean squat following a nuclear exchange.

And that’s why “The Major Powers” exist as they are. There are always rational actors to stop things from getting out of hand.

There’s little chance that event could have caused an all out war to begin with.

History is full of stupid wars.
rational actor are far and few.

El Salvador once invaded a country over a soccer game.

Britain once had a 9 year war with Spain because some random Sailor got his ear cut off.