Progs and Elon Musk

He improved the light bulb, to last longer. He did come up with other inventions as well.

The Phonograph, movie camera, and alkaline battery, were his.

I mean most subways aren’t green so that’s different I guess.

I thought libs use to love Musk. Interesting.


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You are missing the point. The smart phone could not have been invented prior to when it did, due to not having the technology for it to work…including reliable cell data coverage. (which actually sucked when it came out)

I give all those people props for what they accomplished. I am simply putting it into perspective.

None of those those things become viable, w/out government funded research.

The private sector, in general, does not invest in that kind of R&D w/out an ROI in the short term.

Liberals are not a monolithic group.
I am sure, many still love him.

Musk must have strayed from plantation.

He’s Tony Stark without the charm or the Iron Man suit.

Wondered off his parent’s emerald mine.



create or design (something that has not existed before); be the originator of.

Notice the word design.

I’m wondering how he accumulated so much wealth…and how much of that wealth came from goverment.


I wonder what we would have gladly paid up front for decreasing space payload cost by a factor of ten? I mean he handed us dominance of space. Remember when we had to beg Russia for a ride?


Technically, that is correct.

My main point, many of the technologies, that very smart, innovative people use to invent new products, come from years of government funded research. It could snot have been invented, if our tax dollars were not invested in the R&D.

Which I think is a good thing.

It does become irritating, when those same companies/inventors, then complain about government’s taxes, or regulations…and in many ways, use the profits that made, from government funded research, to fight the government.

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I am thinking the figure you posted about subsidy, wouldn’t have been a serious down payment.

What we could have invested, to replace the Shuttle program, we used to help fund Musk’s operation.

Sounds like a win/win.

Have any idea what that was going to cost if we let NASA do it? Saved like 25 billion just on the crew cabin.

What is your opinion on the government funded R&D that led to these technologies?

All for the government funding research of worthy technology. We should do more of it.