Presidential Approval Rating

Thus far, whatever legal troubles he’s experiencing are not hurting him at the polls one bit. Might be helping :confused:

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+6 in Georgia. Do you think they are familiar with the trial situation in Georgia?

I don’t know. I have not followed the media coverage in Georgia.

That’s pretty damning, Nevada +11 :joy: Seriously though why are the democrats not primaring him, it’s not like those numbers are going to improve his decline is in full swing and the fed has basically given up on fighting inflation. The four I’s are bringing Biden down Inflation, immigration, incoherent, incompetence.

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All I know is this.

There’s an election in a year from now.

There was an election a year ago.

Those of us on the political right had better not be as stupid a year from now as we were a year ago.

Everyone needs to bring good ideas and campaign like he or she is 20 points down. Anyone who says words like “red wave” needs to be sent to his or her room, metaphorically of course.

Republicans need to do more than just tell us about Biden, anyone with a brain knows Biden sucks. Republicans need to present a legitimately better vision…and need to make all the democrat toys, early voting and ballot harvesting and advantage not a liability.

We’ll see…my party seems to have a unique ability to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory…

Axios, posted 20 hours ago:
NYT poll: Trump set to romp Biden
If the election were held today, former President Donald Trump would easily beat President Joe Biden with over 300 electoral votes, according to a new swing state poll from The New York Times and Siena College.

Trump leads Biden in 5 key battleground states: poll
The Hill - BY MIRANDA NAZZARO - 11/05/23 2:01 PM ET

Swing-State Voters Aren’t Buying ‘Bidenomics’
Biden has no advantage across key 2024 battlegrounds, where half say “Bidenomics” is bad for the economy
Morning Consult - By Eli Yokley October 19, 2023 at 5:00 am EST

Thats okay. Its obvious that you follow fake news anyways. No loss

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That’s the worst event in history! How in the world has Biden matched that?!