President Trump vows to declassify the FISA request

I have been waiting to see the unredacted FISA warrant ever since the President claimed Trump Tower was Tappedd

A lot of very good people are saying the AG is as much a liar as the one who hired him.

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the left, democrats and media aren’t poised ready to claim “obstruction” over the slightest thing?

do you think the dossier was legit enough to justify Obama etc to spy on his campaign?

a lot of people also voted for hillary

Let me call a whambulance.

He said he’s going to do it. He could have done it last night. Today. Last week.

He’s lying.

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Tomorrow. Patience grasshopper.

I can’t tell you how many times I have heard hannity in a frenzied fever about Trump’s promised and imminent release of the FISA documents. It’s not nice to keep these good folks unquenched.

whambulance? who’s crying?

just pointing out the obvious

lots goes on in gov’t. maybe he has his reasons for when he does

run to cnn to get some clarity

I’m sure it’ll be any day now. Probably tomorrow or the next day.

I trust Trump.

thats nice you are such a loyal, consistent listener/watcher

I listen to Sean and rush every day, Monday through Friday. At least an hour of each, usually more. Hannity had a repeat today. Don’t know why though, he usually gets a guest host.

there’s hope for you yet!

I can imagine Hannity and Trump talking about these FISA documents and getting all worked up at the thought of declassifying them. Then Trump is told that the information would be more harmful than beneficial. Then Trump talks to Hannity again and they repeat the process again forgetting that the information is more harmful than beneficial.


Yes, the sooner the better, IMO.

I agree.

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Because everytime there is a gop conspiracy they are neck deep in it or just dead wrong. Better to use as bait

Here’s why Donald Trump’s cons have always worked. He didn’t have to con people for 4 to 8 years. He only had a con them for 6 months to a couple years.

And it was small businesses and people with less money (like pretty much everybody here) that he was conning.

After a while banks and people of power got tired of him and just ignored him.

His cons only work in government for about 2 years. The next 2 to 6 years people are just gonna blow him off. Like the banks did.


Wow what a burn…lol
I imagine a tongue stuck out when typing this.

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Please get some new material. Anything