President Trump must use fireside chats to win illegal immigration debate

Yes, instead of his 3-4 minute weekly addresses you have to go online to watch, john advocates a 15-30 minute address, daily, on a cable channel mostly watched by Donald supporters, you know to cut through all the bias on the liberal news stations they already don’t watch. It’s brilliant.

But then, he also called the campaign rally in Duluth, a fireside style event, so I’m not really sure what he’s imagining.

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Maybe actual fire… where they burn things… like books.

I have never advocated what you assert above. Stop misrepresenting what I advocate.


Without a Fifth Column Media, Yellow Journalism, Hollywood, and a corrupted FBI, Loretta Lynch, Hillary Clinton and Barack Hussein Obama, would be making license tags in a federal penitentiary

President Trump is , at this very moment, giving a modern day Trump style fire-side chat in Nevada.

The crowd loves him!


American citizens are sick and tired of being made into tax-slaves to finance the economic needs of millions of poverty stricken, poorly educated, low and unskilled aliens who have invaded America’s borders.

You didn’t advocate a daily fireside chat on television? On stations friendly to Donald? Like FOX News?

That’s called a campaign rally.

I suppose that during the fireside chat, we should all be staring at oversized radios, too.

And Mom with her hot chocolate with marshmallows in it, and Dad reclining in his La-Z-Boy with a cup of coffee spiked with whiskey. And the kids running over army men with matchbox cars on the carpet.

Any day now, somebody should invent a machine that cools the house. We’ll call it the house refrigerator. Catchy.

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Call it what your little heart desires. It gives our President an opportunity to by-pass our socialist Fifth Column media and speak directly to the people.

Does that threaten you? If not, why are your panties all wound up in a knot?


American citizens are sick and tired of being made into tax-slaves to finance the economic needs of millions of poverty stricken, poorly educated, low and unskilled aliens who have invaded America’s borders.

He speaks directly to the electorate via Twitter, campaign rallies, and his face speaking on the TV directly to the American people.

How is this not clicking in your brain?

Trump Davidians do like their rallies.

Who else likes to have rallies?

It doesn’t, they aren’t. Why are you trying to characterize a campaign rally as a fireside chat? They’re two notably different things.

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To the people? More like to his people.

Speak directly to what people? Trump worshippers?

You do know that FDR’s fireside chats were broadcast for ALL Americans to listen to, right?

His campaign rallies are just like listeners of the CEC tuning into Rush, Sean, and Mark for 9 hours a day.

It was a campaign rally, not a fireside-style chat. He does this regularly. If you consider THOSE “fireside-style” then he’s LITERALLY already doing what you claim he should be doing, and his thread is completely pointless.

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Well that was obvious by the end of the OP.

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To all the people, many of whom are sick and tired of our Fifth Column media and yellow journalists who want to turn the United States into a socialist state.


There is no better way to weaken, destroy and subjugate a prosperous and freedom loving country than by importing the world’s poverty stricken populations into that country and making the country’s existing citizens tax-slaves to support the economic needs of such an invasion.

[quote=“party-free, post:156, topic:4876, full:true”]

It was a campaign rally, not a fireside-style chat. He does this regularly. If you consider THOSE “fireside-style” then he’s LITERALLY already doing what you claim he should be doing … [/quote]

Yes, President Trump is doing what I suggest and because he is doing what I suggest he is winning on the immigration issue!

See Stunning CBS Poll! Build the Wall, Deport or Detain Illegal Entrants]

June 25, 2018

The CBS News 2018 Battleground Tracker Poll conducted by YouGov June 21-22 during the midst of the controversy over migrant families and unaccompanied children flooding the southern border shows a shift toward President Trump’s views. In March, the CBS poll showed 60 percent opposed a wall.

This change in the people’s opinion is apparently because the lies, distortions and misrepresentations of our President’s position by our Fifth Column media and yellow journalists, are being exposed by information outlets which our socialist media cannot control.


If we can make 51 percent of America’s population dependent upon the federal government for its subsistence, we can then bribe them for their vote, keep ourselves in power and keep the remaining portion of America’s productive population enslaved to pay the bills ____ Our Fifth Column open border crowd’s long term strategy

Have the opportunity to “speak directly to” all the people without being censored by our Yellow Journalist media outlets who work hand in hand with Fifth Column politicians who want to turn the United States into a socialist state.


American citizens are sick and tired of being made into tax-slaves to finance the economic needs of millions of poverty stricken, poorly educated, low and unskilled aliens who have invaded America’s borders.


Your name-calling is noted.


American citizens are sick and tired of being made into tax-slaves to finance the economic needs of millions of poverty stricken, poorly educated, low and unskilled aliens who have invaded America’s borders.

No, he’s doing what he’s been doing all along. Holding rallies, not “fireside-style chat.”

Stunning that you now believe a MSM poll.

I’m sure you’ll discredit this one because you don’t like what it is. Please, go on and tell me why your MSM media poll is better than the one I just posted. I can’t wait.

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