President Trump must use fireside chats to win illegal immigration debate

Oh goodie. Yes, I want to hear my president go in front of the country in front of a cozy fire and spew more hate. I want to hear how those who would “infest” our country are less then human. I want to think that they are all coming here to do us harm. I want to be sure that I know which ■■■■■■■■ countries I should hate. And I certainly want to know that those evil Muslim people will never, ever be allowed in our country. Oh I really want to be afraid. I sure want to know that American isolationist policy is in full force. And I want to know that white identity politics is being practiced daily, although I know we don’t call it that. And I want to know that everyone is watching Fox News because anything else is “fake news”. I don’t want to seek out the truth. I just want to hear from my president because, you know, he never tells a lie.

I couldn’t agree more with you and I do believe that the President needs to augment his tweets with regular scheduled addresses to the country in 15-30 minute speeches. Short and scripted to unravel what the dishonest MSM spew every day.

Stop with the insulting remarks. As I previously stated, I remember the incident, but I do not remember it being reported as fact in a news report. I know a number of commentators were quick to jump on that bandwagon but don’t recall it being reported as a news fact. In any event, I consider the event a non issue. I am more concerned about policies which are destructive to our nation’s common defense and general welfare, and especially as applied to immigration.


all americans could get free health care if they stop illegals from taking our money by medicad and ssi care for the poor 800 billion a year is given away. we americans are tax mules for the politians to give money away to foreign people. time to close the borders and take care of americans before it is to late, and it could be to late allready.

No, they just tell versions of stories you happen to agree with.

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Which Trump “fireside style chat” drew a larger crowd than her?

And I mean…for God’s sake, he’s the president of the US, if he’s not drawing more viewers than TV shows, I’d say there’s a problem.

stay the course president trump illegals are killing america. we americans could have free health care if there was nooooo illegals in the usa sucking up medicaid and ssi money that is why the s/s and medicare is failing, from giving money to people that never worked in the usa or was born here. time to close the borders and stop all from entering the usa. we are not the dumping grounds. if the southern countries can not take care of there land then america should step in and take over the counties and stop the problems of drugs in the world.

What in the hell does that mean? You don’t recall it being reported as news fact? It was on Fox NEWS It wasn’t on day time talk radio, wasn’t on a soap opera, and it wasn’t on Hannity. Are you suggesting that Fox News doesn’t actually report facts as they so famously brag themselves up to do? That is a whole lot of hand wringing to skirt out of this one.

And of course you consider it a non event. Doesn’t fit your narrative of Fox News not being a propaganda machine like you seem to think the Fifth Column on everything label attached to the non fox station news channels do.

He already does a weekly address, maybe the OP doesn’t care enough to watch it, but Donald does it. Oh and the OP is advocating him doing it daily, not weekly.

Close the borders, NOOOOOOO one should enter america until the national debt is gone. build the wall 100 feet high and 200 feet deep. put up a wall on the east side of california, and do not let any one cross the wall.

And in what world was that campaign rally in Duluth a “fireside style chat”?

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Yes. Napolitano is not “Fox News”. He is a commentator and his opinions apparently reflect what Fox News wants to advance as Fox News does not correct him when his “opinions” about our Constitution are not in harmony with our Constitution and its documented legislative intent which gives context to its text. But that is how almost every media source advances an agenda, they find "commentators’ who they are confident will reflect what they want.


Like the weekly addresses he already does? Though I’m not sure they last 15 minutes.

Be gentle, he’s just enjoying the full fruition of his hypothetical fantasy in his head. I guess somehow in this scenario Trump gets less viewers than Hannity in the same time slot, which is a head scratcher.

You just described the make up of a majority of Fox’s daily programming.

What do you mean reflect what they want to advance? That sounds like an admission that Fox has an agenda. After all the bs whining I’ve heard countless times about how the main stream media has an agenda, finally the truth comes out and someone figured out that “fair and balanced” is a bunch of balony.

If you expect me to defend FoxNews or any media outlet that advances causes which are destructive to our nation’s common defense and general welfare, you are barking up the wrong tree.



There is no better way to weaken, destroy and subjugate a prosperous and freedom loving country than by importing the world’s poverty stricken populations into that country and making the country’s existing citizens tax-slaves to support the economic needs of such an invasion.

Part of our immigration problem does not come from the southern border. About 40% of illegal immigrants fly into our country and overstay their visas. And it doesn’t seem that the government is doing much to end that part of the problem I heard that the president was briefed on this and discounted the numbers.
I agree with you that if these countries were able to better control the drugs and violence it would stop many people from trying to escape their country. However I do not see our government having conversations with these countries about what steps can be taken and how the US might be able to assist.

You already did when you stated.

“FoxNews gets to the truth and facts.”

You defended and advocated them all in the same statement. Walk it back if you’d like. Guess you also forgot about the Seth Rich debacle that Fox News reported as fact. How many more examples do you need?

In defense of FoxNews channel, unlike MSNBC, they do invite and have on the air a wide variety of personalities with dramatically different points of view.


Without a Fifth Column Media, Yellow Journalism, Hollywood, and a corrupted FBI, Loretta Lynch, Hillary Clinton and Barack Hussein Obama, would be making license tags in a federal penitentiary