President Trump Calls for the ‘Forced’ Resignation of Rep. Adam Schiff

These numbers always bounce around politically. When trump gets bad news, msnbc goes up. Good news, Fox goes up. It means nothing except people like to watch stuff they wanted to happen.


Another question for you, what would your reaction be, if Obama started publicly calling for Trey Gowdy’s resignation after the Benghazi select committee didn’t turn up anything new?

Was one of the reasons the Republicans lost the House because of the turnout of the 18-29 age demographic that had been motivated to enrol and to vote by the March for our lives movement?

Yes, but larger factors were the increase in African-American turnout, which had dropped with Obama off the ballot, and the R to d shift among suburban white women who find Trump’s ethics not up to their standards.

You didn’t have to run on the platform, the left under Obama started the ball rolling to lock up their enemy before he even took office.
Lets see Obama murdered a US citizen without a trail. Obamas irs went after right leaning groups that didn’t worship at the alter of Obama. Obama went around the constitution to enact gun laws. Obama went around congress and wrote new laws for DACA. Obama let American citizens die in Benghazi and then lied about what happened there. Obama sold guns to drug lords in Mexico to try and entrap US gun dealers so he could enact more gun laws. Obama sent the military to the border.
The reason we will never find out what was covered up with the IRS, Benghazi, gun running and the spying on Trump is because there wasn’t and never will be an independent investigation into his wrong doing. He was one of the most secretive and thin skinned Presidents we have ever had and his followers are just fine with keep his dirt sweep under the rug.

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that’s funny.

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On a lighter note, check out the person behind the talking swamp creature. Funny as hell.

Maybe his cows can comfort him.

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Perhaps someone can explain why the President of the USA would be tweeting about tv ratings?

I know several blue dog democrats that are tired of the way the DNC are acting. They are tired of the DNC trying to smear every Republican are a racist and white supremacist. They know that this is because the far leftist have taken control of their party and there is no room in the party any more for someone who is no a far leftist. They are telling me that they are seriously considering voting for every Republican they can in 2020 because they know of no other way to try and bring their party back closer to the center.
They are not talking about sitting out the next election. They are talking about making their voices heard to the leftist. Ignore me and I will find a party that will listen to me.

And Putin led Russian troll bots.

Good thing Democrat’s completely control Maryland and that will never change while they’re in power.


This whole thing’s just another reality TV show to him.

I think he has always felt sexually inadequate so he lives his life trying to prove to everyone how great he is and sleeps with as many women as possible (while treating them like subservient pieces of meat). Textbook overcompensating.

Good thing Democrat’s never do that. :rofl:

By this post you should forfeit any right to complain that the Mueller investigation was based on phony allegations. This is a laundry list of easily disproven conspiracies.

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I was in a waiting room yesterday and picked up on of those pulp pop magazines. There was a feature article on Melania Trump. She was quoted as saying the thinks the president really loves her, and has a number of pet names for her. She also asserted that she believed he was innocent of any adultry while married to her.

People believe what they want to believe. Often, at their peril.

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#walkaway #blexit #jexodus #we’reoutofpeopletomakehashtagsfor


Still trying to drag McCain’s dead body around? And this time from an Australian.
Maybe you should look into how the left treated McCain in 2008 when he was running against their GOD Obama.
Maybe you should hear about how the left said his service did not qualify him to run for president. How about how he was immoral because he cheated on his injured wife. Maybe how they were sure he had mental problems because of being a POW. How he was a war monger and would start WW III. I could go on but you can look it up for yourself.
Maybe you should stay in your own lane.