President Trump addresses the nation tonight

Someone needs to contact Steve Schmidt, channeling Jerry Maguire …“Show Me the Pesos”!!!


President Trump’s speech was the best speech ever. Do you think that Obama could make such a speech? Donald Trump inspires the world with his very significant language. He has the best words. When he began his speech, I thought it was better, but then he continued to speak, and I forgot that I was listening to a lie. Did you see how the Democrats tried to speak later? They looked like dead men. I had to check that they were not robots. Funny. Donald Trump wins tonight.

In Russia, poetry hates you!

Trump’s message was targeted at morons.


I haven’t finished watching the address yet… did he declare a national emergency? Is the emergency over?

Forgive me for saying this. But you seem incredibly bitter. I hope things get better for you.

Nothing was accomplished with this speech, everyone will forget it even happened by the end of the week.

By most, actually less than half.
And I am all for visa overstay enforcement. More interior ICE agents, please Democrats.

Plus…increased border security.

They are not mutually exclusive things.

All this for 200ish miles of “wall”, Trump has doubled down on stupid

So tonight was a night of weak flaccidness.

The Republican Media pumped it up, big time today.

And then they were punched in the d with this tiny whiny sad little cross-eyed plaint of an Address to the Nation.

Can’t wait for tomorrow’s excuses and re write of what Donnie actually said.

So predictable.


National emergency, seize the land vs. whining for eight minutes.

Master negotiator.

Well since the official thread went poof and we always need one here it goes
here is a nice streaming link to his executiveshipness

Thanks for the link, and thanks for rebooting the thread.

Can’t wait!

I’ve been waiting for this for over 24 hours. Thanks for the streaming link. I assume we’ll all watch it together and we can discuss it live here.


What happened to the other thread?

we don’t talk about the other thread. have a glass of nice refreshing h20



I am so excited! :popcorn::popcorn:

Is the feed live?

1 min to go

Yay! Get talking Mr President!