President Trump addresses the nation tonight

That one was too much fun and got moved to a different forum.

This is the serious thread where the President will be treated with all of the respect he deserves.

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t minus 3 hours and 7 minutes.

And renamed, even.

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Is discussion of alcoholic beverages not allowed on the politics forum? I don’t understand.

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If he said that, I would like him for saying that.

Were you not using the approved discussion topic guide?

I must not have been. Lol

Yeah. Not sure that that’s all about.

I’m gonna be watching tonight, I think. What are the parimutuel odds on Trump tripping the fire alarm as he runs out of the room at the end of the speech? Gotta be close to 1:3, maybe 2:7.


Where’s a good place to catch a livestream?

If you’re interested in something more invigorating than Fat Donald yapping like a stuck pig, check out Stormy.

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State of Emergency! State of Emergency!

Help also stop the Democratic Politicians from making America into a Socialist

Why do Democrats only seem to want to listen to only other Democrats opinions?

Already I keep seeing so many Democrats on here trying to seem to divert
people from watching the President talk tonight.

Talk about a biased one sided point of view. I’m far from perfect, and so is President
Trump, but I still enjoy hearing the oppositions point of view on things.

I can’t wait to hear Donald’s address. Liberals can’t take this away from me.

Arent we on this forum?

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This forum is a liberal den.

You know, we have this thing called a “transcript” that allows us to read what the president said, without having to listen to his Adderall-sniffle, smarmy lies, and his floundering floppy ability to remain near the topic.

Plus, I have better things to do, like have a cold pint with friends in a bar with no televisions.

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Where are the pesos!?

I love it!


Now I understand. You gotta applaud the mods on this one. Turns out it was a public health issue.


I have a feeling that the Democratic Party’s response is going to be the highlight of the evening. Does anyone know who’s going to be giving it?