President Trump 2022 full speech

If there was a better alternative we would use it, there isn’t.

Here is a nice synopsis of her lunacy and quackery…

That’s the whole point. There weren’t ANY. NONE. NADA. ZILCHO. It’s go home and wait to see if you must come back to the hospital and be placed on a ventilator.

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You designate facilities for this purpose and place those infected with COVID in it…and not infecting other facilities, where the occupants are highly susceptible to death.

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The left is trying hard to pedal this narrative.

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They’re trying hard to peddle any kind of narrative.

Tick-tock, tick-tock. :sunglasses:



Some unknown Quacks run amuk.

Sounded more like anointed quack.

I never heard of her.

Just looked at a photo. She looks a little crazy?? does that count?

Agreed, she is a KNOWN quack.

Ever hear of the “Disinformation Dozen”? She is one of them. Real nut job.

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Gung Ho?

I gotta see this…lol.

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Taped just after Biden’s press conference

Trump with Levin

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KNOWN by whom? Round-up manufacturers?

Big Pharma?

Round up manufacturers are about to pay billions of dollars in claims but not because of what she is saying

Doctors are bribed naturally.

As research continues more is discovered about the negative effects of these toxins. Of course they want to keep selling their product, despite various suspicious substances.

When Dr.s are ruled by these companies and Big Pharma, it is not Medicine anymore–it is corruption.

and it was Republicans in congress who defended Monsanto and with their help pushed to defund the IARC.

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They changed the product just so you know.

Nothing has changed except for more lawsuits more foot-dragging and outright lying.

Even chemicals considered safe for organic farming such as Rotenone are facing whistleblowers. Even Flea Shampoo etc. Neurological disorders are becom8ng much more common. Fake doctors who sold out, destroy the practice of medicine.

The last paragraph is true but why not stop there and not jump the shark. The truth is that after invokana no doctor should be allowed to prescribe a drug without researching it in detail. But alas