Pilosi Quotes Fake Scripture

Romans 3:23

23 for all have sinned, and fall short of the glory of God;

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Ok. Agreed.

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Cool. She condemns herself with that pseudo-scripture.

She’s all in on ignoring the needs of those created beings in the womb.

Verily I say unto thee: let thyself not be troubled by thy use of Scripture for political and personal gain, but avail thyself of it as freely as thou doest thine little cracker and thine little wine. For one hundred will fall at thy left hand, and 63 million at thy right, and they shall take no notice, but openly and without irony criticize other politicians for their misuse of My holy Word, whilst giving thee two scoops and a pass.

Two Corinthians 16:45


What would Pelosi know about honor?

She is a traitor to this country.

False Prophets= Democratic Politicians.

I think Trump proved to everyone how religious he really was during the campaign when he nearly put some cash in the communion plate.

I’m not Catholic. I was raised in the LDS/Mormon church. The way the LDS church does the sacrament is a little different, but growing up, I had at least enough life experience from TV, movies, and visiting other churches either with friends or as a musician-for-hire during holiday seasons, that I know what a communion plate is and not to put money in it.

That our 70-something year old president nearly put money into a communion plate as a show of his apparent faith is really baffling to me. He’s been on this earth 70 years and doesn’t know what a COMMUNION PLATE is for.

Seeing Evangelicals anoint Trump is really…strange. At best, he only pretends to be Christian-his pandering is just embarrassing. But not nearly as embarrassing as those who gobble it up.

It’s also true of Pelosi. Her pandering is also pretty embarrassing. There are far more Sunday morning, buffet-style Christians in this country than many of us are probably willing to admit.

And I say all this as someone who is truly grateful for the way I was brought up. It kept me from making a lot of dumb mistakes growing up. And I still hold to many of the values I was taught being brought up in a Christian home.

She most certainly is not an idiot.

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You just described a very large chunk of Christians, congrats.

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OK, actually , she said, it might not technically be from the Bible. “I can’t find it in the Bible, but I quote it all the time,” Pelosi said as she introduced the quote.

She loves the quote, she says she thinks it’s from the Bible but can’t actually find it in the bible. This is some hilarious nitpicking from a water carrier for Mr. Two Corinthians Drinks His Little Wine and Eats His Little Cracker. PS you spelled her name wrong. Again.


She really is not an idiot. Watching her run numbers is amazing. It takes quite the skill. Sje watches sports just so she can crunch the numbers. It’s really quite remarkable in this age when considering the uninformed person in the White House.

I humbly disagree. I’m not suggesting she isn’t a good politician for the Democrats. But when she says things like, “The wall is immoral” it plays right in to the CEC narrative that Democrats are for open borders. Just as an example. She’s been around long enough to know better than to give fodder to the opposition like that.

Isn’t Pelosi a Catholic? Aren’t Catholics not supposed to read the Bible?

Maybe. And by comparison to Trump she is a savant. No doubt there.

But the reason she has been such a boon for Republicans is because of her propensity to give ammunition to her opposition with some needless statements and comments.

It may not be fair, but it’s reality. She knows the game. She knows how the CEC creates false narratives with out of context statements.

Another example is, “You have to pass the bill to know what’s in it.” In full context it made some sense. But she should have known better how that comment would be spun.

So she is either an idiot, or she doesn’t care about the damage these things do to her party and her cause.

We will need to agree to disagree. I respect you a lot.

I think it’s greatly unfair to hold her to the standard that her enemies purposely distort her words once and she is still being labeled an idiot a decade later.

While over looking her role in in passing the ACA. She got her members to be willing to risk losing their seats to pass the bill. She got the public option passed. She got Dodd Frank act passed and the Lilly Leddbetter Act passed. She was key in repelling Don’t Ask Dont Tell. When Regean was cutting funds during the AIDS crisis she was sounding the alarm.

You may disagree with her politics. But I still think it’s crazy to permentally label the first female Speaker of House who got so much done as an idiot because she misspoke once ten years ago.


You obviously haven’t met many Catholics. :smile:

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This thread is a hot slice of fried gold. :joy::rofl::joy:


The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want
He makes me down to lie
Through pastures green He leadeth me the silent waters by
With bright knives he releaseth my soul

He maketh me to hang on hooks in high places
He converteth me to lamb cutlets
For lo, He hath great power, and great hunger
When cometh the day we lowly ones

Through quiet reflection, and great dedication
Master the art of karate
Lo, we shall rise up
And then we’ll make the bugger’s eyes water
PFA 4:4-6

I assume this post was meant for me. The feeling of respect is very much mutual.

You make some good points. As I stated before, I’m not discounting her skill as a politician.

Perhaps I am being unfair in judging her based on the opposition’s propensity to manipulate comments to construct a false narrative.

I’m also self-aware enough to know my political differences from her could be skewing my perspective as well.

I may need to self-reflect some more on my personal opinion of her. :slight_smile:

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I will be honest, I very much enjoyed debating a kind, thoughtful debater like yourself. :). Have a great day.

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And there we have it. The correct answer…