Pfizer vaccine is 90% effective

Back in the 90s during the first gulf war, I was given a crap ton of injections while in Germany. We were not told what we were been given just that we had to have them. I was well sick for about a week as were many others. Some of my mates had zero effects. Of course we had the piss ripped out of us for vomiting and crapping. LOL good days.

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Great news, hopefully we can get it distributed quickly.

60 minutes had a piece on the planned distribution last night. Very encouraging.

So someone bottom line it for me:

When can I start walking up to random strangers at Target and licking their faces again?


A familiar story for veterans. In 2009 when Biden oversaw the H1N1 infection of over 60 million Americans, those of us deployed in Baghdad were rounded up and forced to be the human trial phase for the vaccine. Two injections, one nasal spray, many different control groups. Failure to comply was an automatic Article 15 with an administrative discharge on top.

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Excellent news. Congratulations President-Elect (Media) Biden.

How does he do it!?

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Decency, civility, naps


and, you know, the thing!


Nice one :rofl:

What do they do about the other 10%? That’s a lot of people. Millions.

A veritable Calvin Coolidge.

I know Joe. Joe is a healer.

You stopped?


Similar here - Not uncommon for those serving in Her Majesty’s Armed Forces to be guinea pigs for new vaccinations.

We dont get told jack just to report to the MO roll up your sleeves and let them inject away.

but they are part of warp speed, and production of 100M doses will start and be gauranteed against lossesif it is ultimately not approved.

Dow opened up +1600 points on the news that Biden was elected AND his hard work to get Pfizer on the path to a vaccine.

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HEK 293T cells were used when researching this vaccine. The same fetal cell lines that were used when developing Regeneron.

Hopefully, the Biden administration will rescind current restrictions on funding this type of useful research.

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The lion’s share of the credit goes to our Pharma companies and the scientist that work for them! Not the politicians.


Why put this out in a press release instead of waiting for the peer review they claim is right around the corner? That’s weird.