Pete Buttigieg was groomed under the roof of a father in love with communism

They are. Don’t worry.

Here we go again with the “was influenced” crapola. Shades of Obama. Cons need a new schtick.


Don’t expect to get a rational and productive discussion from those afflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome

Democrat leaders claim to be advocates for hard working people. If that is so, why do they not promote an end to the unconstitutional “Temporary Victory Tax” of 1943, which began federal confiscation of the bread which working people have earned by the sweat of their labor?

Right because this OP is a shining example of rational and critical thinking :joy:

Worshiping Donald Trump drives people to say unique things.

I’m not sure I know what you mean by that. Will you please elaborate on what you mean?


The Democrat Party Leadership has been angry, stupid and obnoxious ever since the Republicans freed the democrat’s slaves. ___ Author unknown

So now you’re going to play word games to keep from answering? You were asked two specific questions related to your OP.

Related to the OP?

And just what were those two questions?


Karl Marx popularized the word “capitalism” __ a word not used by our founders __ to attack the free market system our founders created. Why do so many talking heads refer to our system as “capitalism” rather than a free market system which our founders created? Do they fear and recoil from the word “free’ as in people being “free” to mutually agree in their contracts and associations?


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What were your answers?

Do you have a reading comprehension problem? I just asked what were those two questions related to the OP?


Make no mistake. There is a very real war taking place on American soil and it is being won by socialists, communists and anarchists, who have successfully obstructed the American People from securing the border of their country.

She can’t answer because she is too Angra!