Pete Buttigieg was groomed under the roof of a father in love with communism

It was crystal clear, in a way, when you brought up gramsci, the soviet union and communism in a post about a presidential candidate. But maybe you compare every idea you don’t like to bolshevism.

What Buttigieg actually said is as follows:

“America is a capitalist society. But it’s got to be democratic capitalism. And that part’s really important. And it’s slipping away from us. In other words, when capitalism comes into tension with democracy, which is more important to you? I believe democracy is more important,”

Buttigieg is talking favorably about a centrally controlled system in which democratically elected folks in government manage a centrally controlled economy, such as the failed Soviet Union’s planned economy ___ a system which left the people enslaved and destitute, while the elected planners lived large at the people’s expense.


Socialist democrats running for office will promise food on the table, free public housing, health care for all, guaranteed income, free college tuition, and other niceties by taxing the so called rich; and if by chance they ever do get political power because of such promises made, their socialist iron-fisted dependency will enslave the very fools who elected them.

Could that mean that Donald was groomed under the roof of a father in love with white supremacy?


The Trumps were (at some point) German immigrants.

That’s funny on so many levels.

I don’t read it that way at all.

A democratic society had the right and duty to regulate the markets.

No need to put the whole thing in scare quotes.

Whoever his father was, Buttigieg doesn’t appear to be a commie

but was his dad born in Kenya?

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He doesn’t make me nervous. In a herd of nutcases how could any one of them make anyone nervous?

He’s getting air time or print somewhere.

No one is talking about Cory Booker. Or Julian Castro. Why? They aren’t making people nervous.

The thought of a gay President scares the living daylights out of the CEC.

Here we go with liberals equating politics with fear. It’s a constant liberal theme and nothing but a projection.

I dont care much for hyperbole but this thread is approaching on full on stupid.

CEC talking points for the upcoming election:

Sanders: Old Komma- nyst
AOC: Woman Komma-nyst
Buttigieg: Gay Komma-nyst
Biden: Creepy Komma-nyst
Every other Democratic candidate: Long-shot Komma-nysts

Obama: Kenyan Komma-nyst
Clinton: Satanic Komma-nyst
All media: Deep State Komma-nysts
Everyone who doesn’t adore Donald: ANGRY KOMMA-NYSTS


Probably because Trump is a 1000 times more corrupt than Hillary.

The irony of it all. Fat donald has been Putin’s (who’s a ex-KGB commie) bitch for at least a decade, his current wife and ex-wife came from commie countries and his father was a ■■■■■■■ KKK member, but, but, Buttigieg!!

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Your guess is wrong.


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You apparently have not been listening to Pete, who most definitely is promoting a centrally controlled economy.


The Federal Reserve System of 1913 and the Sixteenth Amendment, also of 1913, have provided the necessary tools to spread the evil tentacles of federal capitalism into almost every corner of our once free market, free enterprise system.

What? This thread has nothing to do with Trump or Hillary either. I think you’re finally losing it.

He is. It’s okay to admit it and vote for someone with integrity.

Yeah… I don’t see that at all.