Perhaps this publisher should invest in a fluent English translator, rather than depending on Google Translate for their English language translation

A moment in regards to the story itself. I have visited Death Valley National Park, but I did so in the month of December. NOT the National Park I would choose to visit during the summer months.
I will quote the first three paragraphs.

A lady died in Demise Valley Nationwide Park this week as temperatures soared to almost 120 levels.

The intense warmth is predicted to proceed by way of this weekend, with highs forecast at 120 levels for as we speak and 122 for Sunday.

Round 6 p.m. Tuesday, emergency responders obtained calls a few non-responsive customer south of Badwater, in accordance with a information launch from the Nationwide Park Service.

Demise Valley Nationwide Park.

I think this publisher needs to invest in the services of a professional English translator.


Copy editors would probably bust there budget.

That guy called me to tell me that the IRS is about to arrest me because of back taxes.

120 “levels” (as opposed to degrees) was quite amusing too.

And I just noticed “California FREEWAY Patrol”.

Some translation fails are quite funny
