Pentagon halts plans to build extra 20 miles of border wall, citing insufficient funds

You know you won’t.

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Did anyone catch our Corpulent Commander in Chief and his ridiculous and rambling babble down at the border in California?

The man is an idiot.

He has no clue what is going on down there and the section he pulled his sharpie out to sign was bollard style fencing of a design that has been designed and approved before he ever came along.

From what I understand the fence section he signed was bollard style replacement fence, for replacing existing fence, construction that was approved and constructed as a part of President Obama era border work. He obviously doesn’t even care to get a clue.

Well since they need money you should give them yours.


Lord I was born a rambling maaaaaa-aaaaan :sunglasses:

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Love Charley Daniels music, always have, don’t care for his recent political punditry, but still love his talent and his music!!!

How about them…Allman Brothers?

If you have a wall, You did not build this.


Showing my age, and senility…


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I’ve watched for a couple of days and that’s not working for you, you aren’t that person. Please let Sweet Lucy come back.

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The wall is already built. Mexico paid for it. America is great again.

Any talk to the contrary is leftist agitprop perpetuated by the Fake News Deep State DEMOCRAT lib mob media.


Amen Bro! Preach it! MAGA :ru:

How is not wanting to waste money on a wall open borders

The book has a few more chapters to go before you can claim victory.

You tell me you don’t lock your doors at night on your dwelling or vehicle?

I often forget to do both


The budget year ends in less than two weeks. Are you suggesting the house is going to include funds that the president can reprogram?

Now…we know THAT won’t happen. TDS and all.

When is Mexico going to pay for the entire wall to be built???

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Remember…Rotund donnie said that every time we doubt, the wall (paid for by Mexico) gets one foot taller.


Wait - is this the wall that Mexico is going to pay for? Why the hell is the government spending taxpayer money on something Mexico is suppose to be paying for?

That’s not very fiscally conservative, is it?