Paulie Manafort's bad day

I didn’t consider that. But yeah, it still doesn’t excuse the defense team from catching it.

I’ve heard some legal pundits discuss Mr. Manafort’s legal representation and speak highly of them. But this was a pretty large goof.

but thanks to that we are able to get a tiny glimpse into what the leak free Mueller group knows

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Yes. The sharing of data with Kilimnik is especially intriguing. To what purpose would the Trump Campaign Chairman need to share internal polling data with a member of the Putin-led Russian Federation?

Well, we all really know the answer to this question. Lol

I haven’t had a chance to look at what was “redacted,” but what are the odds that the ■■■■■■ redaction was intentional?

Anything exculpatory in there?

i posted them couple post up

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Ummm, sharing polling information with Kilimnik?

Never mind. I’m pretty sure I’m wrong in speculating that this was intentional.

no collusion, collusion is not illegal, no links to russia

Probably a really good day for the President to give a speech to the nation about a national emergency he has failed to take care of while he had two years of partisan cover in the congress.

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That caught my attention as well. Mueller knows everything.


Womp Womp


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The same is true with regard to the Government’s allegation that Mr. Manafort lied about sharing polling data with Mr. Kilimnik related to the 2016 presidential campaign.

Why would Manafort, Trump’s campaign manager, be sharing 2018 election polling data with Russian intelligence?

i found the answer

True Love…

Hey, Kilminick’s just sort of a US political data buff–it’s his hobby!

2016, and yes, that is the question. I cannot think of a logical explanation, save one of course. And the only logical explanation looks none too good for the Trump claim of “No Collusion!!!”

That’s true… But Obama just gave them little fines. So, it would not end up in court and we’d all find out the truth…

I still say this is one of the funniest pics of a Trump staff member…

Yep. That was one of the biggest mistakes of the Obama Presidency.

Things that make you go hmmmmmm…

I didn’t even know Paulie was an attorney.

Lawyer oughtta know better than to do what he did. Hell, any person who considers himself an American would know better.

Anywhoooo, no more lawyerin’ in Paulie’s future.