Paulie Manafort's bad day

I like how he was being all skullduggery and stuff by using WhatsApp for encrypted communications, and then backed it all up to iCloud.

Which decrypts it, just like it says in the WhatsApp instructions.


I am far from a technological wizard, and often times require tech support from my 17 year old grandson, but even I understand how these encrypted apps work in conjunction with the cloud. And you’re correct, it is right there in the instructions. What a maroon.

Sorry Paul. Looks like you’re now all in for a Green Jumpsuit after all.

:point_up: :point_up: :point_up:

Judge’s Order

Lol be careful what you wish for

this SpicyFiles twitter feed is awesome, thanks :slight_smile:

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I remember when our host, with emotion and top vocal acting skills, read Judge TS Ellis’s past speech from court, over and over on his radio show, because he thought the Judge was some hero at that point. What I wouldn’t give to hear Hannity read this document in the same manner. That would be so awesome.


“However, defense counsel has not identified any general or specific threat to defendant’s safety,” he continued. “They have not done so, because the professionals at Alexandria Detention Center are very familiar with housing high-profile defendants, including foreign and domestic terrorists, spies and traitors.” - Judge T.S. Ellis


Seconded. :+1:

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Ruh roh! Mueller’s team requests 50 more subpoenas for USA v Manafort.

Who all is going to be sealing Paulie’s fate (i.e. die in prison) in this case?

Didn’t Mueller already request something like 70? Now 50 more? That’s enough for 25 more witnesses.

He did request something like 70 earlier, but in this case it was for 100 subpoenas (50 sets), therefore I simply said 50 additional individuals are getting the call to bury Manafort.

100 sets. Wow.

That should be, 50 sets. Wow.

If you have a trial and you are convicted then there is no such thing as bail, homeslice.

Remember when Ellis was all the Trumpster’s new hero judge? Trump even went on about how great a judge he is.

Wonder if that still holds true.

Judge who?

Oh wow, I somehow missed that the judge IS sending him to Alexandria.

Paulie, you’re doing it all wrong.

Coming out now that Paulie Walnuts was sending emails from inside his restricted condo.

Access to a phone, private shower and bathroom, and Manafort still screwed it up. Those posts calling him s political prisoner being tortured in jail didn’t age very well. At all.


He’s in the equivalent of a restricted condo for something, not for nothing.

Fully 25% of people who are incarcerated in the US are awaiting sentencing and eothercdodnt have the money for bail or hadn’t it revoked because like Manafort they violated the conditions of bail and ITV was revoked.

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